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    Solving Equations Satisfied

    Find all values of w which satisfy the equation w+2 w-1 --------- = --------- + 1 w-1 w+5 (If there is more than one solution, separate them with commas)

    Solving Equations

    Solve the following equation for y : 6 - ------ = 4 y+6 Simplify the answer as much as possible

    Solving Equations

    Solve for u: 9 - ----= -6 u . Simplify your answer as much as possible.

    FOIL Method

    Write the product below in simplest form without parentheses: (w-6)(w+3)

    Solving Equations

    Solve z^2=24 where z is a real number. Simplify the answer as much as possible.

    Writing in a + bi Form

    Question: Consider the following expression: -3i(4i - 1), a and b are real numbers. Write in the form a + bi.

    Simplify Positive Exponents

    -3/2 -25 Simplify each expression. Write your answers with positive exponents. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers.


    Solve y^2=3 where y is a real number. Simplify the answer as much as possible. (If there is more than one solution, separate them with commas.)

    Identify conditional equations and inconsistent equation

    1. 19 - 3n = -2n 2. 2(a-4) + 4 = 5(9-a) I need to solve the equation. Identify the equation as conditional equation, an inconsistent equation, or an identity 3. 1/2b - 1/2 = 1/4b Solve the equation 4. 0.6(x-50)=18-0.3(40-10x) THANK YOU for your much needed help.

    Word Problems : Speed, Time and Distance

    Debbie traveled by boat 5 miles upstream to fish in her favorite spot. Because of the 4 mph current, it took her 20 minutes longer to get there than to return. How fast will her boat go in still water?

    The Stabilization Ratio (births/deaths) for South and Central America

    The stabilization ratio (births/deaths) for South and Central America can be modeled by the formula y = -0.0012x^2 + 0.074x + 2.69 where y is the number of births divided by the number of deaths in the year 1950 + x a) use a graph to estimate the year in which the stabilization ratio was at its maximum. b) use the formula to

    Parabola Word Problems : Minimizing Cost

    A company uses the formula c(x) = 0.02x^2 - 3.4 + 150 to model the unit cost in dollars for producing x stabilizer bars. For what number of bars is the unit cost at its minimum? What is the unit cost at the level of production?

    Word Problems : Finding the Period of a Pendulum

    The period T( time in seconds for one complete cycle ) of a simple pendulum is related to the length L ( in feet) of the pendulum by the formula 8T^2= PI^2 L. If a child is on a swing with a 10 foot chain, then how long does it take to complete one cycle of the swing?

    Exponential Growth Word Problems

    A colony of 1000 bacteria is introduced to a growth-inhibiting environment and grows according to the formula n = 1000 + 50t + t^2 How many bacteria are present after 3 hours?

    Solving Equations

    Find all values of y satisfying the equation.If there is more than one solution, separate them with commas 5 4 6+ ---- = ------ y-1 y+2

    Substitution of "v" in a 2nd order d.e.

    I have been tasked with solving y'' - 3y^2 =0 using the technique used substituting v for y', therefore substituting v dv/dy for y''. (Equation with "x" missing) I broke it down as follows Y'' -3y^2 =0 Y'' =3y^2 Substituting I get v dv/dy = 3y^2 Separating variables, I get v dv =3y^2dy Integrating I get 1/2v^2 +c = y^3 +c