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    Testing Word Understanding

    Please help determine the essential meaning of the CAPPED structures and devise three concept questions to check student understanding of the sentences). 1. I WISH YOU WOULDN'T smoke so much. 2. By this time next year I WILL HAVE GRADUATED. 3. WHEN HE ARRIVED AT THE STATION, THE TRAIN HAD LEFT. Can you help please (

    Presenting grammatical structures CONCEPT QUESTIONS.

    Presenting grammatical structures. CONCEPT QUESTIONS. Checking understanding. Example “I am going to the cinema” I can ask the concept question, When are you going to the cinema? Or is this a definite plan? Which questions are USEFUL U

    Recognizing Subjects and Verbs in Simple Sentences

    Questions for study guide Subject lines and verbs. Distinguishing between dependant and independant clauses. Compound Subjects, Compound Verbs and independant sentences. Please see attachment for all questions in detail.

    Tenses checking my work is correct

    Have I got the correct plural and grammar. 1. The boy's toy. The boys'toys. 2. The child's parent. The childrens parents. 3. The girl's school. The girls' schools. 4. The country's leader. The countries leader's. 5. The woman's hat. The woman's hats. Pronoun Subclass 1. These books are mine. mine Possess

    English Writing

    Please describe for me, in your own words, what it means to be creative. Include the website(s) address where you found the information so that I can do my own research on the topic. Please write at least a page or two. Thanks.

    Sentence structure is modeled.


    World litterature

    Indicate if the following statements are true or not: 1) Antigone and ISmene are daughters of crean 2) Oedepus was the king of Corinth 3) Polybus and Merope are Odedipus biological parents 4) The riddle that Oedepus sovlved satted that he would marry his mother and kill his father

    Punctuation etc

    What do have to change to correct the sentence? He took the womans hat and hid it in the men's room. a) correct b) change men's to mens' c) change womans to woman's d) womans to woman's and men's to mens' Is c the correct answer?


    She whispered, "Are you sure you love me?" a) correct b) Place ? mark outside end quotations c) remove , d) Place ? outside end quotations and remove , I think a) is correct, am I correct in my statement?


    What needs to be done to correct the following sentence? Have you read the article entitled, " Increase Your Vocabulary?" a) correct b) remove , after entitled and place the ? outside the end quotation marks. c) remove , after entitled d) Underline the title of the article


    What needs to be done to correct the following sentence? Do you know who said, "Genius is an immense capacity for hard work"? a) correct b) ? inside the final quotation c) change , to ; d) Change ? to a . My answer would be a) correct?


    Which sentence is correctly punctuated? a) Did the novelist, Ernest Hemingway once live here? b) Did the novelist, Ernest Hemingway, once live here? c) Did the novelist, Ernest Hemingway, once live here. d) Did the novelist Ernest Hemingway once live here? Is b) correct?


    What needs to be done to correct the following sentence? Just what would you do, Cheryl, if the situation were reversed? a) correct b) remove , before Cheryl c) Remove , after Cheryl d) replace , after Cheryl with a semicolon Is b) correct?

    Apostrophe's Poor Work Ethics

    Jay and Jaylene have four brothers. All four have a poor work ethic. Therefore, Jay and Jaylene ____ pleased with any of their _____ work habits. a) are'nt brother's b) aren't brothers' c) aren't brother's d) are'nt brothers' My thinking is b, correct?


    The case against the Dallas based company was handled in Seattle. a) Correct b) Add hyphen after Dallas and after based c) Add hyphen after Dallas and a comma after company d) Add hyphen after Dallas My guess would be: C) is this correct?


    A first class employee is: dependable, loyal, and efficient. a) Add a hyphen after first b) Replace the colon with a , c) Remove the colon d) Remove the colon and add a hyphen after first. I would think c) correct?

    What needs to be done to correct the following sentence?

    Queen Mary wanted her death to be remembered, therefore, she staged a pageant. a) Remove , after therefore b) Change , after remembered to a semicolon c) Change , after remembered to a semicolon and add , after Mary d) Remove , after remembered My asnwer would be c) correct?


    Correct punctuation a) The new machine, which I haven't even learned to operate yet,is out of order. b) The new machine, which I haven't even learned to operate yet is out of order. c) The new machine which I haven't even learned to operate yet,is out of order. d) The new machine which I haven't even learned, to operat


    Correctly punctuated? a) No, he hasn't called on us either this month, or last month. b) No he hasn't called on us either this month or last month. c) No, he hasn't called, on us either this month or last month. d) No, he hasn't called on us either this month or last month I would think A) Am I correct?

    Where would we place a comma?

    All of us are very eager to see the presentation and we particularly look forward to the question period. a) us b) eager c) presentation d) question My answer would be a) correct?


    Which of the following sentences has the correct punctuation. a) A crisp, juicy apple a day keeps the doctor away. b) She is wearing a new yellow dress, and looks clean and neat. c) The sheikdom of Bahrain has a settled well-educated population. d) The major economic powers include United States Japan and Germany.


    Correctly Punctuated? a) The cost, and size of computers are decreasing, almost as rapidly as processing power is increasing. b) Database management systems were originally large, unwieldy, and difficult to use. c) A factory closing means the community loses jobs tax revenues and retail sales. d) An operating sys


    Which sentence correctly uses a pronoun? A) Is Ted better informed than I? B) She was as late as me. C) Give the book to the manager or I. D) My sister is as tall as her. My thinking would be D, Am I correct?

    Nelly Dean in Wuthering Heights

    What was the role of Nelly Dean in the novel Wuthering Heights? I am not sure how to answer this question, can you give me some suggestions of what her role was in the story? Thanks.

    Plot summary Wuthering Heights

    I am writing an essay on Wuthering Hieghts and am trying to determine the plot of the story. Could you provide me with a summary of the plot? Thank you.

    Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

    The significance of the life of Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) - How does Tolstoy's life story play out in his writings?