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    Changing the Decimal Numeral

    Question: Change the decimal numeral 26.25 into binary form. Make sure to show all of the steps which are involved.

    Frame Arrival Rates: Example Problems

    Frames arrive randomly at a 100 Mbps channel for transmission. If the channel is busy when a frame arrives, it waits its turn in a queue. Frame length is exponentially distributed with a mean of 10,000 bits/frame. For each of the following frame arrival rates, give the delay experienced by the average frame, including both queui

    Sliding Window Protocol

    A data link layer runs a sliding window protocol. A transmits using a sending window size of 6 and B receives using a receiving window size of 1. We assume that A always has traffic to send and that B sends Acks only. The channel delay is large enough that A transmits 6 frames before receiving any acknowledgements from B. A begi

    Stop and Wait Problem

    A channel has a bit rate of 64 kbps and a propagation delay of 20 msec. For what range of frame sizes does stop-and-wait give a channel efficiency of at least 50%.

    Big O Problem

    Consider the recurrence T(1)=a T(n)=cT(n/d)+bn^k, for n a power of d Iteratively expand T(n) in terms of T(n/d^i) for i=1,2,.... Show that a) if c > d^k, then T(n) is O(n^logd c) b) if c = d^k, then T(n) is O(n^k log n) c) if c < d^k, then T(n) is O(n^k)

    Big O - algorithm comparison

    Suppose program A takes (2^n)/1000 units of time and program B takes 1000(n^2) units. For what values of n does program A take less time than program B. I am really looking for a detailed explanation on this problem - to check my answer. Thanks.

    Give an example of a weighted directed graph with at most 5 vertices such that Dijkstra's algorithm will NOT give the correct results for the shortest path lengths from source s to every other vertex. algorithm

    Give an example of a weighted directed graph with at most 5 vertices such that Dijkstra's algorithm will NOT give the correct results for the shortest path lengths from source s to every other vertex. Your graph may have negative edge weights but NO negative weight cycles. Indicate what answer Dijkstra's algorithm would give a

    Storage on a disk with 2 surfaces

    Background: I have a hard magnetic disk w/2 surfaces. The storage area on each surface has an inner radius of 1cm and and outer radius of 5cm. Each track holds the same number of bits even though the size differs from each other. The max storage density of the media is 10,000 bits/cm. The spacing between corresponding points

    Bit pair recoding

    I have to use use bit pair recoding to multiply 010011 (multiplicated) by 011011 (multiplier).

    How long does it take to load

    How long does it take to load a 64-KB program from a disk whose average seek time is 10 msec, whose rotation time is 10 msec and whose tracks hold 32 KB: A) For a 2-KB page size? B) For a 4-KB page size?

    Multiplication and division of binary numbers

    8. The answer for the following two problems must be in binary. a) Multiply binary 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 . 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 by decimal 16. b) Divide binary 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 by decimal 32

    Perform Addition and Subtaction on Binary numbers

    9. Convert the following decimal numbers into 8?bit binary numbers as required for 2's complement math, and perform the indicated operations. Note: Remember that positive numbers are represented in signed-magnitude format in 2's complement math a) +39 +19 = b) +39 -19 = c) -39 +19 =.

    Show results for specific operations when x=1000 001 1001 0101.

    For X = 1000 0011 1001 0101, show the result of the following operations: a) shr(X) ____ ____ ____ ____ b) shl(X) ____ ____ ____ ____ c) cir(X) ____ ____ ____ ____ d) cil(X) ____ ____ ____ ____ e) ashr(X) ____ ____ ____ ____ f) ashl(X) ____ ____ ____ ____ g) dshr(X) ____ ____ ____

    Smooth Functions Equations Displayed

    PLEASE see attachment for proper display of equations. Let f be a function from N to R+ . Function f is eventually nondecreasing if such that . Function f is smooth if it is eventually nondecreasing and such that . (a) Is the function + such that a smooth function? Verify! (b) Is the function + such th

    Binary Floating Point Addition

    I need this problem in the same format with 23.5 and 12.5 used as the decimals to be used. I need this to validate my own answer. A full example of Binary Floating Point Addition: Add decimals 10.5 and 3.5 using binary floating-point addition. 10.5 = 1010.1 3.5 = 11.1 Normalize: 10.5 = 1.0101 x 2^3 3.5 = 1.11

    Writing queue and stack algorithms

    Using only the algorithms in the queue and stack ADT's, write an algorithm called reverseQueue that copies the contents of a queue to another queue, and reverses the order of the data. After data is copied, the data that is at the front of Q1, should be at the rear of Q2.

    Command sequence: Access

    Write the command sequence to list P_Descript, P_Indate, P_Price,and V_Code from the product table contents for either V_Code=21344 or V_Code=24Q28

    The use of "this"

    In writing the code for a method, a programmer might use the keyword "this". When the method is invoked from somewhere in the program, what does this refer to?

    Using Big O Notation for Proofs

    Use only the definition of O(f(n)) to prove that the following statements are true: 1. (6n^3*log n + 1)/2n +1000 = O(1) 2. nlog n + n^3/2 = O(n^3/2) Please view the attachment below for the full question.

    Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting

    Solve the following system using Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting: |1 -1 2 |---- |x1|-----|-2 | |-2 1 -1 |--- |x2|--=-| 2 | |4 -1 2 |-----|x3|----|-1 | Show intermediate matrices, vectors and multipliers at each step.

    Exponent Bias

    Suppose in IEEE single precision, the width of the exponent field is 3, not 8, and the width of the fraction field is 5, not 23. (a) What should the exponent bias be? (b) What are the largest and smallest nonnegative normalized floating point numbers in this system? (c) What is the machine epsilon of this system?