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    Strategy and Business Analysis

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    Portfolio problem

    On the basis of a one factor model, consider a portfolio of two securities with the following characteristics : Security Factor Sensitivity Nonfactor risk proportion A .20 49 .40 B 3.50 100 .60 A) If the standard deviation of the factor is 15% , w

    Spot rates

    Given the following forward rates, calculate the one,two,three and four year spot rates: Forward time period ----- Forward rate f0,1 ------- 10.0% f1,2 ------- 9.5% f2,3 ------- 9.0% f3,4 ------- 8.5%

    Liquidity preference theory

    The one year spot rate is 9% and the two year spot rate is 7%. If the one year spot rate expected in one year is 4.5%, according to the liquidity preference theory, what must be the one year liquidity premium commencing one year from now?

    EBIT and Leverage

    Big Apple, Inc., has no debt outstanding and a total market value of $80,000. Earnings before interest and taxes, EBIT, are projected to be $10,000 if economic conditions are normal. If there is strong expansion in the economy, then EBIT will be 30% higher. If there is a recession, then EBIT will be 60% lower. Big Apple is c

    Production Planning/needs to be solved as a 4-week model as a Mixed Integer LP

    A certain production line makes two products. Relevant data has been collected as indicated below. total time available (for production & setup) each week is 80 hours. The firm has no inventory of either product at the start of week 1 and no inventory is allowed at the end of week 4. The cost of carrying a unit of inventory fr