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    Strategy and Business Analysis

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    Operation Management - Slack Time Remaining

    Today is day 4 on the production control calendar, and the three jobs shown are in welding. By least slack, which job has the lowest (least urgent) priority? Job Operation lead time Operation Due Date A 1 6 B

    Operation Management problem

    Please explain The average time to draw a mug of beer at the Pub is 25 seconds, according to frame analysis on film. The bartender filmed was judged to be pouring at a pace of 10% slower than normal. If the bartender's union contract calls for personal, rest, adn delay allownace of 5% the time standard (in seconds) for


    Please help me with the following training scenario. Please provide specific references as well: You are the internal training manager of your organization. As a staff of one, you are the main contact for everyone who needs training or who thinks they need training. Because you are a "department of one," you consistently

    Business Consulting

    A. In regards to Interpersonal Aspects of Data Gathering, what challenges does this approach create for a consultant? In the consulting work, how important is it to understand the way the problem is being managed, along with the presenting problem? B. There are advantages of whole-system discovery when conducting internal res

    Staffing strategy for different store formats

    Retail stores represent a selling process, both personal selling (the store staff goes through the selling process) and self-service sales with merchandise displayed where customers can select and process the sale at the register. What staffing considerations would a company like Best Buy need to consider to staff their differen

    Avon Case Study: Why Jung's strategy is not optimal...

    Please evaluate my arguments below based on the Classic Avon Case Study which evaluates CEO Andrea Jung's grand strategy. My argument that Jung's strategy is properly focused and directed is followed by a brief argument that her strategy is NOT properly focused and directed. Based on these self developed arguments (I developed

    Business Consultant questions

    In your own words, please answer the following questions... A. What if the Internal Consultant has intimate knowledge of the organization and has a different perspective on Operations than one particular line manager. Is it permissable to say 'no' in this case? why or why not? B. Should there be an effort to ensure t

    Research and Evaluation

    1. The owner of Maumee Ford-Mercury wants to study the relationship between the age of a car and its selling price. Listed below is a random sample of 12 used cars sold at the dealership during the last year. Car Age (years) Selling Price ($000) Car Age (years) Selling Price ($000) 1 9 8.1 7 8 7.6 2 7 6.0 8 11 8.0 3 11 3.

    Re-Enact and Analyze a Historical Negotiation Scenario

    Part 1 (Group): Re-enact a historical negotiation scenario through role play and imagined dialogue As a group, choose a well-documented negotiation scenario from history. The scenario could be a business acquisition, a labor/management dispute, or a political disagreement-any situation that involved a negotiation process betw

    Business Research

    Re-enact and analyze a historical negotiation scenario In this two part project your group will re-enact a historical negotiation scenario. Each group will then write an analysis of the scenario and submit it in the Small Group Discussion Boards. Part 1 (Group): Re-enact a historical negotiation scenario through role play

    Operations Manager

    How would you go about identifying a process bottleneck? What is a dead giveaway that a bottleneck exists?

    Claim check

    Fast Service, a chain of automotive tune-up shops, advertises that its personnel can change the oil, replace the oil filter, and lubricate any standard automobile in 15 minutes, on the average. The National Business Bureau received complaints from customers that service takes considerably longer. To check the Fast Service claim

    Assiging Jobs to Machines to Minimize Costs

    The following matrix contains the costs (in dollars) associated with assigning Jobs A, B, to Machines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Assign jobs to machines to minimize costs. Machines Jobs 1 2 3 4 5 A 6 11 12 3 10 B 5 12 10 7 9 C 7 14 13 8 12 D 4 15 16 7 9 E 5 13 17 11 12.

    Able Corporation: Legacy Strategy

    The president that you as an employee are reporting to is a holdover from before the company was acquired. He has some vested interest in the previous strategy, such as it is. How would you handle the delicate situation of dealing with the president and his legacy strategy? This in my opinion should be handled in a professio

    The Genius is in the implementation

    You're working as a process consultant with a client who has seen too many good strategies fail once they got to the implementation stage. You decide that the client needs an overview of how classic management activities - planning, organizing, controlling, and leading - enable successful strategy implementation. You decide to

    Seasonal Demand

    A company produces to a seasonal demand, with the forecast for the next 12 months as given below. Month Demand January 600 February 700 March 800 April 700 May 600 June 500 July 600 August 700 September 800 October 900 November 700 December 600 The present labor force can produce 500 units per month. Each employee

    "Consumption Behaviors"

    3) Consider fast food resturants. Now apply conecpts that are realted to the term "Consumption Behaviors" that are talked about when talking about consumers. What implications might this analysis carry in developing business strategy for a particular resturant? 5) A business is interested in throughly understanding the opi

    Evaluating Capacity Plans

    UPS is considering 2 capacity plans for package sorters. The first is for 600 packages per hour and the second if for 680 for UPS's one shift per day operation. The two plans are tried out against actual per hour business volume for the past 5 weeks as follows: Actual Plan 1

    Testing - operation management

    John selects 12 disposable flashlights at random from the flashlight production process, turns them on, and records the length of time until each light fails. He has performed: a. 100% inspection b. destructive testing c. lot rejection test d. AQL inspection I believe its either A or C.

    Assess how effectively your organization innovates

    Assess how effectively your organization innovates. Are its organizational structures helping or hindering innovation? What three changes would you suggest to initiate and/or improve innovation? (also included in attachment)

    Manufacturing Industry's customers and their needs and desires.

    Describe Manufacturing Industry's customers and their needs and desires. Research any shortcomings, which are often opportunities in disguise, using discussions in the Annual Report, articles in the press, or complaints websites such as complaints.com.

    Strategic and tactical decisions - views of the market

    Details: You are beginning to understand the market for high-end coffee brewers but to provide complete answers to your many questions, you believe you will need to perform some additional marketing research. JavaJoy has never had a formal marketing research process. Strategic and tactical decisions have typically been made base

    Martha Stewart Case

    Which ethical theories and forms of evaluation were used in this case? What value system was used in making the final decision? What were the kinds of major decision traps leading to the blunder? What steps in the decision making process were overlooked or insufficiently carried out? What can be or was learned from the blund

    Operation Management - Raw Material Turnover

    Equation 8-4 Trm = Purchasing costs / RM. A toy producer's average inventory is $100,000 in raw plastic, $150,000 in partially produced toys, and $50,000 in finished toys. If the cost of purchased materials and purchasing overhead is $1,700,000 per year, raw material turnover is: a. 1/17 b. About 1 c. 5.67 d. 17

    Intratype competition, wheel of retailing theory

    2) Develop of list of expenses or costs for a department store and categorize them as fixed, variable and semifixed? 4) Provide an example of intratype competiton, an example of intertype competition. Can a retailer face both intratype and intertype competition at the same time. 6) Describe the wheel of retailing theor


    I need a little help putting some answers together....If Nestle is one of the world's largest global food companies. And it has over 500 factories in 76 countries, and sells its products in 193 nations, and only 1% of sales and 3% of employees are located in its home country, Switzerland. If, having reached the limits of growth