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    E-dividend date /price of stock

    Drew Financial Associates currently pays a quarterly dividend of 50 cents per share. This quarter's dividend will be paid to stockholders of record on Friday, February 22, 2007. Drew has 200,000 common shares outstanding. The retained earnings account has a balance of $15 million before the dividend, and Drew holds $2.5 million

    Calculate the current yield of cost of preferred stock.

    The Meredith Corporation issued $100 par value preferred stock 10 years ago. The stock provided an 8 percent yield at the time of issue. The preferred stock is now selling for $75. What is the current yield of cost of preferred stock? (Disregard flotation costs.)

    External Financing Revenue

    Explain, whether additional financing is needed in cases "a" to "e". Indicate whether each of the following would typically increase or decrease a firm's need for additional external financing: a) An increase in cash dividends b) An increase in the net profit margin c) A decrease in the credit period offered by the firm's

    Trading Techniques for Financial Futures

    Discuss the trading techniques that can be used with financial futures (currency futures, interest rate futures, and stock index futures) noting how these securities can be used in conjunction with other investment vehicles including the benefits and risks. Describe the model application of such a strategy applied to protect you

    Determine which type of dealership the couple should purchase

    Construct a decision tree for decision situation described in problem 25 and indicate the best decision Decision Analysis Question 25) Fenton and Farrah Friendly, husband and wife car dealers, are soon going to open a new dealership. They have three offers: from a foreign compact car company, from a U.S. producer of full

    Finance: Stock Repurchases

    Company x has net income of $2,000,000 and it has $1,000,000 share of common stock outstanding. the company's stock currently trades at $32 per share. Company x is considering a plan, in which it will use available cash to repurchase 40% of its shares in the open market. the repurchase is expected to have no effect on the net in

    Company's stock price following the stock split

    Company x's stock trades at $90 a share. the company is contemplating a 3-for-2 stock split. assuming that the stock split will have no effect on the market value of its equity, what would be the company's stock price following the stock split?

    Finance: breakeven analysis

    Company x's fixed operating costs are $500,000, its variable costs are $3 per unit, and the product's sales price is $4. what is the company's breakeven point; that is, at what unit sales volume will its income equal its costs?

    Please see description

    Please see attached. The Optical Scam Company has forecast a 20 percent sales growth rate for next year. The current financial statement are shown here : Income Statement Sales $ 38,000,000 Costs $ 33,400,000 ___________ Taxabl

    Questions Regarding Corporate Investment Analysis

    Ch 1-12 Explain why you would change your nominal required rate of return if you expected the rate of inflation to go from 0 (no inflation) to 4 percent. Give an example of what would happen if you did not change your required rate of return under these conditions. Ch 2-9 You are a wealthy individual in a high tax bracket.

    Advanced Corporate Finance

    See attachment. 10. Sustainable Growth Rate The Steiben Company has a ROE of 8.50 percent and a payout ratio of 35 percent. a. What is the company's sustainable growth rate? b. Can the company's actual growth rate be different from its sustainable growth rate? Why or why not? c. How can the company change its sustainable g

    Finance: Sustainable Growth Rate

    The Steiben Company has a return on equity (ROE) of 8.5 percent and a payout ratio of 35 percent. A-What is the company's sustainable growth rate? B-Can the company's actual growth rate be different from its sustainable growth rate? why or why not? C-How can the company change its sustainable growth rate ?

    ACH Payment Cost Per-Check Cost

    Many companies are wondering if they should emulate Sears, Roebuck & Company in its implementation of electronic disbursing. After negotiating new payment terms with each of its suppliers, it quickly built up a significant volume of electronic payments: 1,000 transactions, 60,000 invoices, and $500 million in payment per month.

    Finance problem

    . St. Joe Trucking has sold an issue of $6 cumulative preferred stock to the public at a price of $60 per share. After issuance costs, St. Joe netted $57 per share. The company has a marginal tax rate of 40 percent. a. Calculate the after-tax cost of this preferred stock offering assuming that this stock is perpetuity. b.

    Using the Method of Multiples

    Problem #1 Free Travel, Inc., a company that organizes virtual travel tours, is planning an IPO. Its current investors hold 300,000 shares, which at IPO will be converted into common shares at 1:1 ratio. The company competes with the following publicly traded companies: CoachTraveler, VirtualExplorer, Home World, and Stay-at-

    Blackmon Manufacturing: Break-Even Point

    Blackmon Manufacturing Company makes a product that it sells for $50 per unit. The company incurs variable manufacturing costs of $14 per unit. Variable selling expenses are $6 per unit, annual fixed manufacturing costs are $189,000, and fixed selling and administrative costs are $141,000 per year. Determine the break even p

    Sell common stock, sell bonds with warrants for stock

    A firm plans to raise $2 million to pay off its existing short-term bank loan of $600,000 and to increase total assets by $1,400,000. The bank loan bears an interest rate of 10 percent. The company's president owns 57.5% percent of the 1,000,000 shares of common stock and wishes to maintain control of the company. The company'

    Harley Davidson Stock Beta compared to the S&P 500 index; intrinsic value

    # Using Microsoft Excel and historical daily data from http://finance.yahoo.com, calculate the beta for Harley-Davidson in comparison to the S&P 500 Index over the past year. # Then utilizing the dividend discount model from your text, calculate the intrinsic value for Harley-Davidson. # From that analysis, comprise an

    Toyota Stock Valuation of Nonmaturing Preferred Stock

    Use Excel for solution. Stock Valuation Suppose Toyota has nonmaturing (perpetual) preferred stock outstanding that pays a $1.00 quarterly dividend and has a required return of 12% APR (3% per quarter). What is the stock worth? If you use the spreadsheet method shown in the workshop,

    External Equity Financing Northern Pacific Heating & Cooling Inc

    External Equity Financing Northern Pacific Heating and Cooling Inc. has a 6-month backlog of orders for its patented solar heating system. To meet this demand, management plans to expand production capacity by 30% with a $15 million investment in plant and machinery. The firm wants to maintain a 40% debt-to-total-assets ratio in

    Effect of an installment loan on financial statements

    On January 1, 2006, Miller Co. borrowed cash from First City bank by issuing a $60,000 face value, three-year installment note that had a 7 percent annual interest rate. The note is to be repaid by making annual payments of $22,863 that include both interest and principal on December 31 each year. Miller invested the proceeds

    Financial forecasting-percent of sales

    What are Sambonoza's financing needs for the coming year? 4-4A. (Financial forecasting-percent of sales) Tulley Appliances, Inc., projects next year's sales to be $20 million. Current sales are at $15 million based on current assets of $5 million and fixed assets of $5 million. The firm's net profit is 5 percent after taxes

    Stock - Risk and Return

    A. Common stock A has an expected return of 10%, a standard deviation of future returns of 25%, and a beta of 1.25. Common stock B has an expected return of 12%, a standard deviation of future returns of 15%, and a beta of 1.50. Which stock is riskier? Explain. b. Suppose rf is 5% and rM is 10%. According to the SML and t

    Project's Net Cash Flow for the First Year

    Company X is trying to estimate the first-year net cash flow (at year 1) for a proposed project. The financial staff has collected the following information on the project: Sales revenue: $10 million Operating costs (excluding depreciation): 7 million Depreciation: 2 million Interest expense: 2 million The company h

    Finance problem

    It is a finance problem. Could you please show me the steps of solving this problem? I attached the excel file with this request. The balance sheets of Roop Industries are shown below. The 12/13/2001 value of operation is $ 651 million and there are 10 million shares of common equity. What is the price per share ? Assets

    Use of QUICS to restructure debt, risk to common stock

    See attached file. AMR, the parent firm of American Airlines, found its profitability had improved a few years ago. Several years prior, AMR had issued privately about 1.1 billion of convertible preferred stock. As you know, interest is tax deductible whereas dividends are not. AMR decided to offer the preferred stockholders

    Managerial Finance - Silla Soft Drinks

    The coursework is attached. Can I please have the references as well as the spreadsheet with calculation. ---------------- Silla Soft Drinks is an independent soft drinks company with a tradition of producing premium soft drinks and giving dependable quality and service, having been manufacturing soft drinks for over 100 yea