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    Advanced Corporate Finance

    Assuming you are working for Apple Inc and part of your compensation takes the form of stock options. Apple's current share price is $491. The exercise price of your stock option is $520. The value of the stock option is equal to the difference between Apple's stock price and the exercise price of $520, at the time that yo

    Identify two projects or events that required an investment

    H2O Innovations: Capital Investments Choose and discuss two projects (one current, one long term) that require an investment for your firm, H20 Innovations. One should be a 'current project' and the other long-term investment project. Explain what source of funds would be acceptable and explain your reasoning.

    Value of Money Discussion

    I need help with the scenario below, please. Work out how many years (10) to go before you retire, now look back the same number of years, and see how much the dollar has fallen in value from then to now. The US Government has the statistics. 1. Why take a risk with your money? 2. Find the interest paid on risk-fre

    Banks and Banks Management

    Please choose 2 banks and comparison shop for the best deal on a new personal checking account. You may do this via phone, internet, or in person. Summarize what makes this the best deal above the others you looked at. One must be a savings bank and the other must be a commercial bank. Make sure to give us the name of the bank

    Publicly-owned firms and measuring wealth of stockholders

    Please help with this homework assignment. Question 1 The primary goal of a publicly-owned firm interested in serving its stockholders should be to Maximize expected total corporate profit. Maximize expected EPS. Minimize the chances of losses. Maximize the stock price per share. Maximize expected net income. Q

    Steps in the acquisition process

    An acquirer has several choices when it comes to paying for the target. Explain in detail five factors that are likely to determine an acquirer’s choice of payment method. It is not sufficient to simply list points; you must explain how each factor determines the acquirer’s preference? Jupiter Corp. is considering an a

    Calculating Variable Cost

    1. A firm is reviewing a project with labor cost of $9.90 per unit, raw materials cost of $22.63 a unit, and fixed costs of $8,000 a month. Sales are projected at 10,000 units over the three-month life of the project. What are the total variable costs of the project? 2. Which of the following statements concerning variable c

    Corporate finance calculations

    1. Calculate the difference between daily and annual compounding, given the following information: (a) PV: $52,000, (b) NPER: 30, and (c) RATE: 10%. 2. Calculate the PMT on a mortgage, given the following information: (a) PV: $439,000, (b) RATE: 4%, and NPER: 30. 3. Calculate the present value of a lump sum payment with the

    Calculating Net Book Value of Assets

    See the attached file. QUESTION 1: A Company purchased equipment for $20,000. Management estimates that the equipment will have a useful life of five years and salvage value of $5,000. Calculate a) net book value of the equipment at the end of the third year using the straight-line method of depreciation; and b) depreciati

    Analyzing and Comparing the Given Savings Strategies

    Monica and her friend Linda each believe they have a superior savings plan. Monica saved $4,500 at the end of each year for 15 years and then let her money grow for 30 years. Linda did not begin saving until 15 years later, at which time she began to save $4,500 at the end of each year for 30 years. They both earned 6% on their

    Quantitative Methods in Business

    Question about sets and set theory: Why is it important to be able to identify sets and theory as related to business? Questions about functions: What applications do you think functions have for the business world? Can functions be used to predict next year's profits, or how much your company will grow? Questions about

    Financial Intermediaries Discussion

    Please describe briefly. 1. Consider whether you would buy a used car from a person or from a dealership. What are the pros and cons of each and how does that relate to the chapter material? 2. Discuss two factors that may affect a person's credit score and apply the notion of moral hazard to your response. Thanks

    Evaluating capital gains yield and holding period returns

    Q1. Today, you sold 200 shares of SLG, Inc. stock. Your total return on these shares is 12.5%. You purchased the shares one year ago at a price of $28.50 a share. You have received a total of $280 in dividends over the course of the year. What is your capital gains yield on this investment? Q2. The returns for IMB over the l

    Calculate WACC at different capital structures.

    Chandeliers Corp. has no debt but can borrow at 7.4 percent. The firm's WACC is currently 9.2 percent, and the tax rate is 35 percent. a. What is the company's cost of equity? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places. (e.g., 32.16)) b. If the firm converts to 35 percent debt, what will its cost of equity be? (Round your an

    Various Corporate Finance Problems

    See the attached file. CHAPTER 4: PROBLEM 2 (a through c) A. B. C. Present Value 2,500 2,500 2,500 Interest Rate 6% 8% 6% Number of Years 10 10 20 Future Value = CHAPTER 4: PROBLEM 3 A. B. C. D. Future Value = 15,451 51,557 886,073 550,164 Interest Rat

    Corporate Finance: Returns, Prices, Equity

    CHAPTER 10: PROBLEM 1 Beginning Stock Price $84 Ending Stock Price $96 Dividend $1.40 Percentage Total Return = CHAPTER 10: PROBLEM 12 Stock Return the past 5 years -17.62% 15.38% 10.95% 26.83% 5.31% Holding Period Return for the Stock = (Note: Subtr

    Estimating Factors for a Valuation Model

    The value of an asset is the present value of the expected returns from the asset during the holding period. An investment will provide a stream of returns during this period, and it is necessary to discount this stream of returns at an appropriate rate to determine the asset's present value. A dividend valuation model such as t

    ROE for Economic Scenarios

    Pendergast, Inc., has no debt outstanding and a total market value of $220,000. Earnings before interest and taxes, EBIT, are projected to be $40,000 if economic conditions are normal. If there is strong expansion in the economy, then EBIT will be 10 percent higher. If there is a recession, then EBIT will be 20 percent lower. Pe

    Portfolio Theory: Net Present Value

    Epsilon Corp. is evaluating an expansion of its business. The cash-flow forecasts for the project are as follows: Years Cash Flow ($ millions) 0 -100 1-10 +15 The firm's existing assets have a beta of 1.4. The risk-free interest rate is 4% and the expected return on the market portfo

    Investment Analysis and Recommendation - BP

    Please examine the mix of debt and equity that British Petroleum (BP) uses. After finding this information: • Compare this to an industry average or Dutch Shell. What are the differences? • Based on what you know about BP, do these differences seem appropriate? • Relate BP's capital structure choices to the appropria

    The Financial Market

    Using one of the financial websites, look up the five following stocks: Coca-Cola, General Electric, Exxon Mobil, Humana, and Home Depot. Determine the closing market price of common shares of each of these companies for each day the market if open during the week Aug 12-16. Also determine the PE ratio, dividend yield, and total

    Finance: Preparing the Journal Entries to Record the Transaction

    On the 1st December 2011, Betty, Alvin and Yogee started a watch trading company, Baywatch Pte. Ltd. with a paid up capital of $150,000 to be subscribed equally by the three. The business agreed to take over from Betty her existing watch retail and servicing equipment based on a valuation of $50,000 in lieu of her cash subscript

    Calculating WACE

    1. Calculate Company C's weighted average cost of equity, given the following information: (a) D0: $2.50, (b) Current Stock Price: $52.50, (c) Company's Constant Growth Rate: 6%, (d) Debt: $23,000,000, (e) Equity: $20,000,000, and (f) Preferred Stock: $10,000,000.

    Hedging Fill in the Blank

    See the attached file. 1) ________ is NOT a commonly used contractual hedge against foreign exchange transaction exposure. Answer Money market hedge Options market hedge Forward market hedge All of the above are contractual hedges. 2) Plains States Manufacturing has just signed a contract to sell agr

    Expected Return and Risk-Free Weight

    A stock has a beta of 1.20 and an expected return of 14 percent. A risk-free asset currently earns 3.0 percent. a. What is the expected return on a portfolio that is equally invested in the two assets? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places. (e.g., 32.16)) Expected return % b. If a portfolio of the two assets has