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    External Auditing

    External auditing refers to a company having its financial statements assessed by an external professional accountant (one that is not hired by their company).  The professional accountant  is making sure that the company is creating its financial statements in accordance to government law so that the appropriate amounts of income tax are claimed. These financial statements will also give those who use the statements an idea of the financial position of the company.  Users of the company's financial statements, such as potential investors, rely on the external auditor's report for an unbiased opinion on the financial health of the company.  An external auditor is required to do this report because, if the auditor was an employee of the company, they may have incentive to lie and doctor numbers in order to make the company appear in a better financial position. 

    There is a strong moral code for an external auditor to follow when they are compiling a report on a company's financial statements.  They are required to report any suspicious activity, such as fraud, to management of the company and their employers (usually the government).  

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    BrainMass Categories within External Auditing

    Auditing and the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX)

    Solutions: 174

    The Sarbanes Oxley Act establishes standards for external auditor independence, and requires external auditors to issue an opinion on the effectiveness of a corporation’s internal controls over financial reporting in addition to their financial statement opinion.

    Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)

    Solutions: 6

    Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) are the standards set by the Auditing Standards Board that lay out the rules and principles that an auditor must follow when carrying out an external audit of a business’s financial statements.

    Ethical Issues for External Auditors

    Solutions: 54

    Following in the wake of the accounting scandals of WorldCom, Enron, and Arthur Anderson, increased scrutiny over the independence and ethical standard of the accounting profession has placed increasing pressure on the profession to develop and adhere to stricter standards to prevent fraud and protect investors and creditors.

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