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    Business Law year 4

    3 pages Library Assignment The law firm's international law partner is an international law celebrity who was born in Europe and is now a U.S. citizen. He has been invited to speak at an international law conference and is going to give a speech on international war crimes. He has been very impressed with your work and want

    Contract and Tort Remedies

    Please list and discuss the contract remedies available for parties to a contract in the event of breach of contract by either party. How do these remedies compare to the remedies available to a tort plaintiff?


    Please identify and define the five essential elements required in a valid contract. Is it possible to create a contract without one of these elements?

    Sarbanes: Oxley Act

    What impact do you think that SOX have on foreign corporations entering into U.S. markets?

    Legal Operations in International Business

    Details: As a continuation of ABC Corporation's offshore growth, a specialty chemical plan was recently constructed in the People's Republic of China. A production problem has arisen involving the specialty chemical plant. The plant uses individual components in the creation of the specialty chemicals, which produce extremely ha

    Long-term contract loss: when to recognize the loss

    Cost estimates on a long-term contract may indicate that a loss will result on completion of the entire contract. In this case, the entire expected loss should be A) recognized in the current period, regardless of whether the percentage-of-completion or completed-contract method is employed. B) recognized in the current per

    How is risk related to the type of contract in terms of the buyer and seller?

    Please see the attached file and provide the appropriate answers to each question. 1. How is risk related to the type of contract in terms of the buyer and seller? 2. How do the buyer and seller benefit from incentives in a cost plus incentive contract? 3. What is the purpose of an RFP, SOW, RFQ? 4. What is the definition

    Compare and contrast two laws which would be affiliated with Hiring Practices

    Need to compare and contrast policies and practices in an organization, such as Wal*Mart, with what the law says pertaining to Hiring Practices (drug testing, background checks, tests, etc). 1) Select at least two laws to compare and/or contrast 2) Consider how these laws are used 3) Requirements: a) header for eac

    Tort and its elements

    1. Pick a tort( cyber tort or international tort) that you would like to demonstrate and name it. 2. What are the elements of this tort (i.e. name all the factors that you would need to prove in court to demonstrate this tort). 3. Write out a scenario that would demonstrate this tort, including all the necessary elements

    AIS E/SW Acronyms

    Can someone please tell me what this acronym stands for and mean? It has something to do with construction or investments I think? AIS E/SW <$250K

    International Finance - Hedging using forward contract

    5. Intel Corporation has Euros 100 million payables due in 90-days. The current spot exchange rate is $1.2025/Euro. The 90-day forward rate is $1.2100/Euro. If Intel wants to hedge its payables in Euro 100 million, suggest a suitable hedging strategy using the forward contract and compute the total cost with the forward rat

    What accounting issues does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 address?

    What accounting issues does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 address? How will the provisions of this Act change the behavior of senior corporate executives and accounting professionals? Do you think this will be an effective solution or just create additional compliance paperwork? Explain.

    Using the internet locate the following articles specifically related to

    Using the internet locate the following articles specifically related to: 1) Business formations. Prepare 350 word review of the article 2) Negotiable instruments. Prepare 350 word review of the article Please properly cite and reference the articles and show step by step on how to write an "Article Review" Thank y

    Ethics and Law

    Please help with comparing and contrasting the roles that ethics and laws play within organizations. Develop a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 15 slides the roles of law and ethics within an organization. Please list at least internet resources and cite all information used directly from the website.

    Breach of Contract Situations

    1) Retail Music Inc. offer to buy Super Products Corporation (SPC) 1,000 blank CD's of a certain brand. Without notifying Retail, SPC timely ships CDs of a different brand. This shipment is A) an acceptance of the offer and a breach of the parties contract (B) an acceptance of the offer and a fulfillment of the parties contrac

    Employee Safety, Health, and Welfare Law Paper

    I have to prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper in which I have to explain the application and implication of the following laws for an employer (any employer). I have to analyze (but is not limited to) the following employee safety, health, and welfare laws: I do not work, and I have not worked in a long time. When I did work, I was

    The occupational Safety and Health Act gives workers the right to a job

    1) The occupational Safety and Health Act gives workers the right to a job: A) with a legally mandated wage in which wages are common in the areas of similar kinds of work (B) with fair and equitable wages in order for an employee to enjoy a decent standard of living (C) free from recognized hazard that are causing or likely to

    Business Law

    1). Greg filed a suit against Holly , Greg seeks to recover the cost to provide copies of documents in hyperlinked CD format. According to the courts in case 3.3, Phansalkar v Anderson , Wien Roth & Co., this could cost be awarded if: A) all parties used the electronics copies (B) Greg advanced the expense, hoping to recovery l

    Employment Law - Provide the rule of law raised by the issue in each question

    Provide the rule of law raised by the issue in each question, apply the elements of the law to the facts in the scenario, and conclude with an answer to the question asked. Answer the questions with responses of at least 250 words. Scenario 1 Patricia began working for Encyclopedia Britannica as a part-times sales represe

    Tax Law and Accounting Paper

    Business, Accounting/Business Analysis/Financial Reporting - Year 3 Tax Law and Accounting a. Define the objectives of modern income tax statutes. b. Compare and contrast Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and tax accounting. Explain why they are different. c. Differentiate between tax avoidance and tax


    The mandates by the government is to create some sort of equity between employees and employers. In your opinion can you tell me why is it that some employers disobey these regulations? If you look at some employees who hires illegal immigrants. They avoid these regulations. What are your thoughts on that?

    Prepare a memo addressing area of concern with employee protection.

    I need help with the following. I need references also. I have to prepare a memo to a Sr. Manager who wanto to know the ares of employee protection the company should be aware of. I have identified the following areas: Discrimination Compensation and benefits Representation and collective activity ( Labor and relation

    Possession of Property: completion of gift

    By way of a letter to their nephew Charles, the Greens gave Charles a coin collection valued at $5,000. The Greens still have possession of the collection, as it is displayed in their library. Is it a gift to their nephew or can they change their mind and give it to the local coin collector's club upon their deaths?

    Human Service Organizations

    This inquiry is explored: Can you provide some examples on how to make a human services organization more "user friendly?" to the public?

    Business law questions

    The state of Alabama, on behalf of a mother (T.B.), brought a paternity suit against the alleged father (J.E.B.) of T.B.'s child. During jury selection, the state, through peremptory challenges, removed nine of the ten prospective male jurors. J.E.B.'s attorney struck the final male from the jury pool. As a result of these pe

    Employer-Employee Relations

    Identify and analyze the policy differences on "Regular" employees versus temporaries or independent contractors.

    Limited Liability

    Greg, Kim, Phil, and Bob each own 20 percent of the shares of a company and serve as the board of directors of the company, Home Health, Inc. George is also a 20 percent shareholder, but he is not a member of the board of directors. When Bob dies, his wife Suzie inherits his shares of stock that were then worth $100,000, and rep

    Illegal accounting practices

    Discuss at least eight examples of illegal accounting practices that could result in incarceration? They could be real life instances or just examples.