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    Estimates for the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease provided by an observational study are listed below: Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease (cases per 100 individuals) Age-group Males Females 65-69 1.3 0.5 70-74 3.3 2.1 75-79 4.9 3.8 80-84 7.5 8.2

    Probability of Publishing an Article

    An article was published recently suggesting that people who exercise regularly can reduce their risk of major clinical events (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke) by up to 50%. It is believed that only 30% of adult Americans exercise on a regular basis. Suppose that a sample of eight adults is analyzed. a) What

    Statistics of Bladder Cancer and Death

    Assume that the bladder cancer death rates in the USA in 2009 are estimated to be 0.48 deaths per 10,000 individuals. Using the US bladder cancer rate (above) as the standard (expected rate value), you are asked to investigate the number of deaths due to bladder cancer for 10,000 workers in a specific tire plant in 2009.


    Suppose that infants are classified as low birth weight if they have birth weight 2500g, and as normal birth weight if have birth weight 2501g. Suppose that infants are also classified by length of gestation in the following four categories: <20 weeks, 20-27 weeks, 28-36 weeks, >36 weeks. Assume the probabilities of the di

    Women's Heights Normally Distributed

    Assume that women's heights are normally distributed with a mean given by u = 63.1 in, and a standard deviation of 2.9 in. a. If 1 woman is randomly selected, find the probability that her height is less than 64 in. __________(round to four decimal places) b. If 40 women are randomly selected, find the probability that th

    Binomial random probability

    Consider the following two binomial experiments (a) In a binomial experiment consisting of six trials, how many outcomes have exactly one success and what are these outcomes? (b) In a binomial experiment consisting of 20 trials, how many outcomes have exactly 10 successes?

    Probability of People in Recession in America

    Fifty percent of Americans believed the country was in a recession, even though technically the economy had not shown two straight quarters of negative growth (Business Week, July 30, 2001). For a sample of 20 Americans, make the following calculations: a. Compute the probability that exactly 12 people believed the country

    Standard Normal Distribution

    Question 1 Use Appendix Table for Normal Distribution to find area under Standard Normal Distribution curve to the left of z = 0.85 Answer 0.8023 0.6245 0.3524 0.0582 Question 2 Use Appendix Table for Normal Distribution to find area under

    Normal Probability Honda Insight

    Introduced in the 2000 model year, the Honda Insight was the first hybrid automobile sold in the United States. The mean gas mileage for the model year 2005 Insight with an automatic transmission is 56 mpg on the highway. Assume the gasoline mileage of this mileage is approximately normally distributed with a standard deviation

    Probability Distribution of Gender Differences

    • Begin your report to by first providing an overview of the database, such as a story about the characteristics with the types of variables included Discuss the following in your report • What is the distribution of individuals by gender? • What is the "length of sentence" distribution by gender? • What percenta

    Step-by-Step Explanation: Distribution theory

    ** Please see the attached file for the complete problem description ** I need help understanding the problems attached. I need solutions along with explanations. Just solutions will not help me understand. Let the random variable Y_n have a distribution this is b(n,p). a) Prove that Y_n/n converges in probability p. This


    The time required to complete a project is known to be normally distributed with a mean of 44 weeks and a standard deviation of 8 weeks. a) What is the probability that the project is finished in 40 weeks or fewer? b) What is the probability that the project is finished in 52 weeks or fewer? c) There is an 95 percent cha

    Calculate the standard deviation of the returns.

    1. Buxton Corporation is planning to invest in a security that has several potential rates of return. Using the following probability distribution of returns during different states of the economy, what is the expected rate of return on this investment? In addition, compute the standard deviation of the returns. Finally, briefly

    Probability - normal distribution

    1. If a fair coin is tossed 20 times then the probability of exactly 10 Tails is more than 15 percent. 2. The fill weight of a certain brand of adult cereal is normally distributed with a mean of 910 grams and a standard deviation of 5 grams. If we select one box of cereal at random from this population, what is the probabili

    Normal distribution

    Very difficult subject material for me. 1. Given a normal distribution with mean=100 and variance/S.D. = 10, what is the probability that a. X>75? B. X<70? C. X<80 or X>110? D. Between what two X values (symmetrically distributed around the mean) are 80% of the values? 2. A statistical analysis of 1,000 long-distance tele

    math 5

    ** Please see the attached file for the complete problem description ** 1. Find the Expected Value, the Variance and the Standard Deviation for the random variable with the following probability distribution: (please see the attached file) 2. Calculate the following expressions with factorials: a) 5! b) 6!/4! 3. Us

    Independence and covariance

    This is a two part question. The first part is setting the average of two 'independent' dice rolls to be a random variable (RV). The expected value and variance are asked. The second part deals with the notion that just because two independent RV have no correlation, the opposite is not generally true. Independence and corre

    Probabilities from written description

    Over 1,000 people try to climb Mt. Everest every year. Of those who try to climb Everest, 31% succeed. The probability that a climber is at least 60 years old is .04. The probability that a climber is at least 60 years old and succeeds in climbing Everest is .005. (a) Find the probability od success, given that a climber is

    Understanding probabilities in a given situation

    Half of a set of the parts are manufactured by machine A and half by machine B. Four percent of all the parts are defective. Six percent of the parts manufactured on machine A are defective. Find the probability that a part was maufactured on machine A, given that the part is defective. Explain your reasoning clearly. Please

    Tree diagram from written description

    A study showed that 60% of The Wall Street Journal subcribers watch CNBC every day. Of these, 70% watch it outside the home. Only 20% of those who don't watch CNBC every day watch it outside the home. Let D be the event "watches CNBC daily" and O be the event "watches CNBC outside the home." (a) Sketch a tree based on this dat

    Probability Distributions- Graduate Studies Level

    I encourage you to use PHStat as much as possible and attach PHStat outputs to your work. No manual calculation is required. [1] As reported by Runner's World magazine, the times of the finishers in the New York City 10-km run are normally distributed with a mean of 61 minutes and a standard deviation of 9 minutes. Let x be t


    3. Historically, demand for a product has been normally distributed. You collect 12 months of demand data (shown in Demand tab). Use this data to estimate your population parameters. a. What is the probability that demand will be equal to the mean? b. What is the probability that demand will be less than the mea

    Probability Concept Scenarios

    Please help me to check my answers to the following questions. Please show your work so that I may follow and compare against my own: a) In how many ways can seven banquet speakers be seated along one side of the head table? b) Gym lockers are to be numbered from 1 to 99 using individual metal number plates to be

    Test slow paying accounts for a local wholesaler

    The slow paying accounts for a local wholesaler are normally distributed with a mean of 20 accounts and a standard deviation of 4 accounts. What is the probability of randomly selecting an account and finding that it is slow? What is the probability of selecting an accounting period that has more than 25 slow paying accounts

    Statistics: Within what range would 85% of credit score fall

    The credit score of a 35 applying for a mortgage is normally distributed with a mean score of 600 and a standard deviation of 100. What credit score defines the top five percent of scores. Within what range would 85% of credit score fall. One hundred car tires are tested and the mean useful life comes out to 50,000 and the

    Probability of Correctly Selecting Winning Lottery Numbers

    A certain state is contemplating creating a weekly lottery, the revenues from which will be used to fund improvements in the state's public education system. The commission chartered to develop the guidelines for the proposed lottery envisions using a process whereby six (6) balls will be randomly selected from a single bin cont

    Proportion of male college students at specific heights

    Assume that the population of heights of male college students is approximately normally distributed with mean m of 70 inches and standard deviation s of 3.75 inches. Show all work. (A) Find the proportion of male college students whose height is greater than 68 inches. (B) Find the proportion of male college students who

    Statistics: Five Probability multiple choice questions

    1. A kindergarden class consists of 14 boys and 11 girls. If the teacher selects children from the class using random sampling: a. what is the probability that the first child selected will be a girl? b. if the teacher selects a random sample of n=3 children and the first two children are both boys, what is the probability

    Mean Variance Probability: The Duration of a Phone Call

    ** Please see attached file for the complete problem description ** The duration T of a certain type of phone call is found to satisfy (please see the attached file) where (please see the attached file). Find the mean and variance of T. If two independent calls are made, what is the probability that their combined duration

    Probability: Reading speed of second grade students in large city

    The reading speed of second grade students in a large city is approximately normal, with a mean of 91 wpm and standard deviation of 10 wpm. (a) What is the probability a randomly selected student in the city will read more than 95 wpm? (b) What is the probability that a random sample of 11 second grade students from the ci