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    Real Analysis

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    Trigonometric Limits

    Use one-sided limits to find the limit or determine that the limit does not exist. 16-x^2 /4-x lim x => 4 Find the trigonometric limit: sin3x/2x limx => 0 Please show work.

    Antiderivatives General Form

    ? Find the most general form of the antiderivative of . ? Find the most general form of the antiderivative of . ? Find the most general form of the antiderivative of . ? Find the most general form of the antiderivative of Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Finding Limits

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Let be defined as a function such that where and where is defined as I would be grateful for a proof that the limits of are and I think that l'Hopital rule is useful here.

    Difference Quotient : Limits and Differentiable Functions

    Assume f:(-1,1) --> R and f'(0) exists. If a_n , b_n -> 0 as n->infinity, define the difference quotient: D_n = ( f(b_n) - f(a_n) ) / ( b_n - a_n). a) Prove lim [n -> infinity] D_n = f'(0) under each condition below: (i) a_n < 0 < b_n . (ii) 0 < a_n < b_n and (b_n) / (b_n - a_n) <= M (iii) f'(x) exists and is contin

    Real Analysis: Limits Proof

    Prove sqrt(x+1) - sqrt(x) goes to 0 as x --> infinity Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Real Analysis : Hilbert Space, Inner Product and Maps

    Let V=L2[-1,1] be the Hilbert space of functions over the time interval [-1,1] with inner product ...... Let P 5 V be the subspace of polynomials of order 4 or less, endowed with the inner product and norm of V, and let ..... be its natural basis. Define a linear transformation S as ...... Show that the subspace P 5 is

    Measure Theory and Dominated Convergence Theorem

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. I have provided a solution to the attached problem. I do not understand or like the solution - I was hoping you could provide an alternate solution or expand upon the solution I have provided in more detail. Exercise (moment-generating function). ? Let X be

    Finding Limits from a Table of Values

    Estimate the value of the limit by filling out a table and then making an educated guess about the tendency of the numbers. Then graph the lim of tanx///x as x approaches 0 to verify own conclusion lim of tanx///x as x approaches o table should be 2 colums with the headings |x|tanx/x|

    Function of Limits

    The function has a limit as f(x) = (1/x) + 3 has a limit of L=3 as x approaches x. This means that if x is sufficiently large (that is if x > N for some number N), the values of f(x) are closer to L=3 than a number epsilon > 0. a) Sketch the graph y=(1/x) +3 and a horizontal strip of points (x,y) such that (if y

    Finding Algebraic Limits

    Use algebra and limits to find the limits: a) lim of x+1/x-2 as x approaches +infinity b) lim of x^2+1/x^2 - 5 as x approaches -infinity c) lim of x^2+1/x^3 - 2 as x approaches + infinity d) lim of x^3+1/x^2 + 2 as x approaches - infinity check answers by graphing the functions

    Evaluating Limits by Graphing

    Graph the appropriate functions (first try by hand and then verify your sketches with a grapher and then determine the limits. a) lim of lx as x approaches 0+ b) lim of 1/x as x approaches 0+ c)lim of ln 1/x as x approaches 0- d)lim of 1/x as x approaches 0 e)lim of 1/ x^2 as x approaches 0+ f)lim of -1/ x^2 as x approac

    Limits and Continuous Functions

    Sketch by hand the graph of F that satisfies: (a) f(0) is not defined, (b) lim as x approaches 0 from left of f(x) does not exist and (c) lim as x approaches 0 from right f(x)=2. is the function f(x)continuous from the left at x = 0? Is the function f(x) continuous at x=0 from the right? is the function f(x) continuous at x = 0

    Evaluating Limits

    Use limit laws to find the limits lim as x approaches 7 lim of square root (x) - square root (7)/x-7

    Evaluating Limits as they Approach Values

    Find the limits: a)lim as x approaches zero from left of 2x b)lim as x approaches 3 from righ of 2x of x c)lim as x approaches 3 from right of 5 d)lim as x approaches -1 from left of|x-2|


    Find lim as x approaches-1 from the left of f(X). find lim as x approaches-1 from the right of f(X). Are these limits the same? What can you say about find lim as x approaches 1 of f(X)?

    Investigating Limits

    Estimate the value of the lim as x approaches zero of cosx/x, if it exists, by filling out a table and than making an educated guess about thr tendency of the numbers. The first row in the table should start like this: X|cosx|x, with approximately 6 more values added for both x and cox/x Then graph y=cos/x to verify your

    Find the Limits

    What is the limit as x approaches infinity of 4x^2 / (2x^3 - 3x + 6)? Is it 0? What is the limit as x approaches -4 of (x^2 -16)/(x+4)? I got -8.

    Real analysis question with collection of subsets

    I have a problem deal with the subject of real analysis and it is about the collection of subsets. I hope someone can help me with detail explanation. See attached file for full problem description.