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    Probability : Combinations of Three-Numbered Spinners

    Given two spinners divided into three equal parts. The first spinner is numbered 1- 2- and 3. The second spinner is numbered 4 - 5 - and 6. a. If each spinner is spun once, what is the probability that the product of the two numbers spun is even? b. What is the probability that the sum of the two is even?

    Probability : Selection Without Replacement

    John randomly picks (without replacing) four marbles from a jar that contains 6 red and 4 blue marbles. Mary randomly picks three marbles from a jar that contains 3 red and 5 blue marbles. What is the probability that John picks more blue marbles than Mary?

    Selection Without Replacement, Combinations & a Probability Tree

    Three letters from A, B, C, D, and E are selected one at a time (without replacement). a. What is the probability that they are selected in alphabetical order? b. What is the probability that they are selected in alphabetical order, if B is the first letter selected.

    Unbiased bits per flip

    Hi I would appreciate if you could help me with this question. Q. A coin that comes up heads with probability 3/4 on each flip can be used to generate more unbiased bits per flip ( on average ) than a coin that comes up heads with probability 7/8. Is it TRUE or FALSE and How ? Thanks

    Frequencies of Dice Roll Combinations and Probabilities of Dice Rolls

    When a pair of dice is rolled, the total will range from 2 (1,1) to 12 (6,6). It is a fact that some numbers will occur more frequently than others as the dice are rolled over and over. A. Why will some numbers come up more frequently than others? B. Each die has six sides numbered from 1 to 6. How many possible ways can a nu

    Statistics Probability Standard Deviation

    Packages from packing machine have a mass, which is normally distributed with mean 200g and standard deviation 2g. Find the probability that the package from the machine weighs a) less than 197g b) more than 200.5g (use standard normal variable Z and normal distribution tables)

    Probability and proportion

    Suppose that a market for a certain type of automobile consists of those made by manufacturers 1 and 2... what is the probability that at least 150 automobiles in the market lasts over 10 years? Please see attached.

    Probability : Maximum Likelihood Estimator and p-Values

    A GMAT test center reports that out of 200 students who took a GMAT test at the test center 60 scored above 600. a) Derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of p, the proportion of students scoring above 600. What is the ML estimate of n*p(1-p) b) What is the MLE of P(X<50)? c) Test if the proportion of students sc

    How to Set Up a Guessing Problem

    Six popular brands of cola are to be used in a blind taste study for consumer recognition. A. If 3 distinct brands are chosen at random from the 6 and if a consumer is not allowed to repeat any answers, what is the probability that all 3 brands could be identified by just guessing? B. If repeats are allowed in the 3 brands

    Probability distribution

    A single die is rolled once. You lose $12 if a number divisible by 3 turns up. How much should you win if a number not divisible by 3 turns up for the game to be fair? How would I set this up, and what formulas?

    Probability : Sampling Without Replacement - Card Hands

    6. A hand of 4 cards contains one card of each suit ( I,e., one Heart, one Diamond, One Club and one spade). Simon uses this hand to play a game for which the rules are as follows: (1) When a Heart is drawn, the game stops immediately. (2) If the Diamond is drawn, the Diamond is set aside and not replaced (so that when the game

    Probability - Dart Game

    Three friends play a game of darts until one of the 3 is declared a winner. It is known that Jan is twice as likely to win as Julio, and Jean is only half as likely to win as Julio. (a) What is the probability that Julio will win? (b) If Jan didn't win, what is the probability that Julio did?

    Combinations and Probability (8 Problems) - Camp Cawapati

    1. At Camp Cawapati, there is a prize ceremony at the end of each camp session. The campers compete at a variety of challenges throughout the 2-week session, in hopes of earning trophies. For each challenge a camper wins, the camper receives a small replica of the Sacred Cawapati Cup. (These replica trophies are all identical.)

    Probability: Calculate and Interpret a Confidence Interval

    20. The Associated Press (October 9, 2002) reported that in a survey of 4722 American youngsters aged 6 to 19, 15% were seriously overweight (a body mass index of at least 30; this index is a measure of weight relative to height). Calculate and interpret a confidence interval using a 99% confidence level for the proportion of al

    Probabilities related to a sample mean.

    The breaking strength of a rivet has a mean value of 10,000 psi and a standard deviation of 500 psi. a. What is the probability that the sample mean breaking strength for a random sample of 40 rivets is between 9900 and 10,200. b. If the sample size had been 15 rather than 40, could the probability requested in part (a) b

    Joint Probability Distribution Function

    10. Annie and Alvie have agreed to meet between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm for dinner at a local health food restaurant. Let X=Annie's arrival time and Y=Alvie's arrival time. Suppose X and Y are independent with each uniformly distributed on the interval [5, 6]. a. What is the joint pdf of X and Y? b. What is the probability that

    Comparing Hyperbola Graphs; Practical Uses of Probability

    One of the civil engineers you interviewed for your article works for a company which specializes in bridge construction projects. In the process of designing suspension bridges, they must account for many variables in the modeling. Some of these variables include the bridge span; the force of the typical water currents wearing


    When a pair of dice is rolled, the total will range from 2 (1,1) to 12 (6,6). It is a fact that some numbers will occur more frequently than others as the dice are rolled over and over. A. Why will some numbers come up more frequently than others? B. Each die has six sides numbered from 1 to 6. How many possible ways can

    Normal Approximation to a Binomial Distribution

    Suppose that 10% of all steel shafts produced by a certain process are nonconforming but can be re-worked (rather than having to be scrapped). Consider a random sample of 200 shafts, and let X denote the number among these that are nonconforming, what is the (approximate) probability that X is: a. At most 30 b. Less than 30

    Poisson Probability Distribution

    80. Suppose that only .10% of all computers of a certain type experience CPU failure during the warranty period. Consider a sample of 10,000 computers ... Please see attachment for complete question. Thanks

    Quota, Banzhaf Distribution and Shapely-Shubick Distribution


    Probability; Interest Rate; Bacteria Multiplication

    PLEASE SHOW ALL WORK FOR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING! 1) A bacteria culture starts with 7 bacteria which multiply simultaneously every three house. If the first generation is born fromt he initial group at 12 midnight a. How many bacteria will be in the culture at midnight the next night? b. Also what time will there be 224


    Some parts of California are particularly earthquake-prone. Suppose that in one such area... a) Find the probability distribution of X... Please see attached.

    Probability : Binomial Distribution

    #34. A production facility employs 20 workers on the day shift, 15 workers on the swing shift, and 10 workers on the graveyard shift. A quality control consultant is to select 6 of these workers for in depth interviews. Suppose the selection is made in such a way that any particular group of 6 workers has the same chance of bein

    Probability: Binomial Distribution and Standard Deviation

    You are performing a genetic experiment on dogs. A recent study indicates that 40% of all the dogs have desired trait D. You decide to test 25 dogs to determine if they have trait D or not. Answer the following questions using your knowledge of probability: A. What is the probability that more than 10 dogs have trait D? B.

    Sampling Distribution and Sample Mean : Probability

    The shelf life of a digital storage device is normally distributed with mean 10 years and standard deviation 2 years. Suppose you are a quality assurance manager and wish to verify this statistic. You choose a sample of 25 storage devices sold in the last 10 years. Supply the following information: Describe the sampling distribu

    Probability : Confidence Interval

    After reviewing 100 drug stores across nation, you discover that a certain prescription drug has an average price of $40 for $20 pills with a standard deviation of $5. Using this information, deduce with 95% accuracy where the national average cost of 20 pills lies.