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    Power Series Expansion and its Utilization in Integration

    Problem: Given the power series for the following function (1+x)^k (a) Write the power series for (1+x)^(1/3) (b) Use the power series from part (a) to find the power series for x^3 (c) Using this series approximate the following integral (1+x^3) ^(1/3) using the first three terms

    integral definition of Laplace transform to compute a function

    (a) Use the integral definition of the Laplace transform to compute (FUNCTION1) (b) A function g(t) has the transform (FUNCTION2). Use transform properties to compute the following. Express each in simplest form: i) (FUNCTION3) ii) (FUNCTION4) (See attachment for full question).

    Changing variables in multiple integrals

    Using the coordinate change u=xy, v=y/x, set up an iterated integral for the polar moment of inertia of the region bounded by the hyperbola xy=1 , the x-axis, and the two lines x=1 and x=2. Choose the order of integration which make the limits simplest THIS MESSAGE IS ADDRESSED TO ANY TA: I found something , I just want you

    Control Systems Under Proportional-Integral Control

    Consider a block diagram describing a system under proportional-integral control (as show in figure in attachment): Find the constraints and determine the range (using the Routh-Herwitz criterion) of Kp and Ki. Also, find the closed loop system transfer function assuming the controller gains are set to a specific value. (Ple

    Function and Differential Equations

    See attached explanation Differential equations are not my strong suit now. Please explain in a simple way each step from the integral 1/F dF to the final answer. Show and tell how you get from step to step. On problem 35 please answer and explain this in the simplest way you can for me to understand please. Step by

    Limits of iterated integrals (parallel axis theorem)

    Prim is primitive! In genral the moment of inertia around an axis( a line) L is: Isubl=double prim (dist(.,L)^2*delta*dA) The collection of lines parallel to the y axis have the form x=a .Let I=Isub(y) be the usual moment of inertia around the y axis I= double prim of x^2*delta*dA Let I(bar) be the moment of ine

    Limits in iteratred integrals

    Find the average area of an inscribed triangle in the unit circle.Assume that each vertex of the triangle is equally likely to be at any point of the unit circle and that the location of one vertex does not affect the likelyhood the location of another in any way. (note that the maximum area is achieved by the equilateral trian

    Mass, Centroid, and Moments

    Compute the mass, centroid, and moments Ix, Iy and Io of the half-disk: y>0, x^2+y^2<1 with density delta(x,y)=y it is said we should know the primitive (sin(x))^n or (cos(x))^n from Pi/2 to 0

    Double integration over the domain

    Find the integral of f(x,y)=x^2 over the domain D which is bounded by y=3x, x=3y and x+y=4 Hint: use the transformation x=3u+v and y=u+3v

    Mixture problem

    A tank contains 1320 L of pure water. A solution that contains .01kg of sugar per liter enters a tank at the rate 3L/min. The solution is mixed and drains from the tank at the same rate. Find the amount of sugar after t minutes as a function of t.

    Definite Double Integral

    Evaluate the attached integral: a) Write an equivalent iterated integral with the order of integration reversed. b)Evaluate this new integral and check that your answer agrees with part (a)

    Shell Method

    Use the shell method to set up and evaluate the integral that gives the volume of the solid generated by revolving the plane region about the y axis. 1. y=x. Line goes from (0,0) to to (2,2). Picture shows a thin yellow rectangle going from about x=1.5 vertical to the y=x line. 2) y=sq. root of x. Line goes from (0,0) t

    Cavalieri's Principle Double Integrals

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. --- Find the volume of the region that lies under the graph of the paraboloid z = x^2 + y^2 + 2 and over the rectangle R = {(x, y) | -1 and in two ways (a) by using Cavalieri's principle to write the volume as an iterated integral that results from slicing

    Solve: Integration as the Limit of a Sum

    Find by the method of summation the value of: a. Integral (a - 0) sin nx dx b. Integral (1/2 pi - 1/4 pi) cosec^2x dx Please view the attachment for proper formatting.

    Integration: The Limit of a Sum

    Find by the method of summation the value of : a) The integral (from 0 to 1) of the square root of x. (dx) b) The integral (from 1 to 4) of 1 divided by the square root of x. (dx) Please view the attachment for proper formatting.

    Cauchy's Formula Trigonometric Function

    See Attachment for equation We know that sin z and cos z are analytic functions of z in the whole z-plane, what can we conclude about *(see attachment for equations)* in the first quadrant

    Integration as the limit of a sum

    Find the integral by the method of summation the values of :- (a) integral of e^(-x) where the range of integration is from a to b. (b) integral of e^(kx) where the range of integration is from a to b.

    Mathematica integration

    I am new to Mathematica and did derive the answer to the following but I can not get the information as to the steps taken to derive it. I am using the trapezoidal and Simpson's rules to evaluate S20 x2 dx ( the S should be the variant symbol) Compare with exact value. My answer is 8/3 but I can not get Mathema

    Volume of a solid..

    Please see word attachment for clearer view of the problem. Volume: Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by the graphs of y = xe^-x, y = 0, and x = 0 about the x-axis.

    Calculus Functions to Evaluate an Integral

    Please help with various Calculus questions. You do not need to show your work for this one because I would simply like to compare your answers with mine so that I am sure that I did everything correct on mine. Please just write your exact answer after each number. I will know which problems I will have to study in detail w

    Improper Integrals surface area problem..

    Use l'hopital's rule if needed. Show all work step by step. Use proper notation please. Surface Area: The region bounded by [(x-2)^2]+y^2=1 is revolved about the y-axis to form a torus find the surface area of the torus. PLEASE show or explain step by step process.