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    Graphs and Functions

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    Euler Function Special Cases

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- We consider the special case when m=3 and n=4. (a) Write down the correspondence between numbers in and pairs of integers in given by the function f. In other words, write out the 12 values f(a) where . (b) Fore each value you computed above, circle the equations

    Euler Function

    (See attached file for full problem description) Conjecture: Suppose that m and n are positive integers. If gcd(m,n)=1, then . a. If m and n are positive integers and k is any integer, show that gcd(k,mn)=1 if and only if gcd(k,m)=1 and gcd(k,n)=1. b. Suppose gcd(m,n)=1. Prove that establishes a bijection between

    Exponential Growth and Decay Projects

    Think of one real situation that involves exponential growth and that involves exponential decay. for each example, your project should include the following: * Paragraph - Briefly explain the situation. You may make up your own information, but make it realistic. Include the facts needed to write an equation. * Equation -

    Real-Life Applications of Hyperbolas and Parabolas

    One of the civil engineers you interviewed for your article works for a company which specializes in bridge construction projects. In the process of designing suspension bridges, they must account for many variables in the modeling. Some of these variables include the bridge span; the force of the typical water currents wearing


    When using the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation (ax2 + bx + c = 0), the discriminant is b2 - 4ac. This discriminant can be positive, zero, or negative. Create three unique equations where the discriminant is positive, zero, or negative. For each case, explain what this value means to the graph of y = ax2 + bx +


    (See attached file for full problem description with equations) --- 1) Solve the following equations. a) Answer: Show work in this space. b) . Answer: Show work in this space. c) . Answer: Show work in this space. 2) Is an identity (true for all values of x)? Answer:

    Mean Value Theorem of Continuous Increasing Functions

    Assume that f and f ' are continuous on [a,b], and f ''(x) exists and f ''(x)>0 for each x 1) Prove that f ' is increasing on [a,b] Hint: the graph is concave up on this interval. 2) Prove that f(x) f(c) for each x if c and f '(c)=0.

    Perfect Numbers

    An integer n is called k-perfect if σ(n) = kn (note that a perfect number is 2-perfect). (a) Show that 120 = 23? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 5 is 3-perfect. (b) Show that if n is 3-perfect and gcd(3, n) = 1, then 3n is 4-perfect.

    Congruences of Modulos

    Show that if and , then . (This shows that the function g is well-defined from to ) Note: g is defined as follows: g: Where is the multiplicative inverse of m1 modulo m2 and conversely. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    One-to-One and Onto Functions

    Suppose that X and Y are finite sets, with m and n elements respectively. Suppose further that the function f : X → Y is one-to-one and the function g : X →Y is onto. (i) Use the function f to show that m ≤ n. (ii) Use the function g to show that m ≥ n. (iii) Is f : X → Y onto? Justify your assertion. (iv) Is th

    Input-output Tables and Equations of Lines, Slope and Intercept

    Decide whether the relation is a function. 1- (6,5), (4,3), (-2,3), (0,-1) , (-1,2), (-4,-5), (-3,4) 2- (4,4), (3,3), (-1,1), (6,6), (1,-2) make an input-output table for the function rule. Use a domain of -10,-5,0,5, and 10. Identify the range. y=8x+1 y=-6x y=x square 2+5 write a function that relates and x and

    Matlab standard deviation ( std ) function

    Given a 2 x 2 matrix sample = 2.0000 + 3.0000i 1.0000 + 2.0000i 4.0000 + 5.0000i 2.0000 + 1.0000i >> std(sample(:)) ans = 2.1213 >> According to matlab the answer is 2.1213. I'm not arriving at that answer. I need to see all work on how to achieve said result.

    Proof: Uniformly Continuous

    The following theorem could be used to write the proof. A theorem states that if d:D-->R is uniformly continuous on D iff the following condition is satisfied: If un and vn are both sequences in D, then lim as n-->infinity (f(un)-f(vn))=0 Show f is not uniformly continuous on D making use of the sequent

    Equation of a Conic Section

    Identify the type of graph that each equation has without actually graphing. x=3y^2 + 5y - 6 Equations may need to be simplified first. See the attached file.

    Slope of a roof

    A roof rises 7.25 ft over a horizontal distance of 13.71 ft. What is the slope of the roof to the nearest hundredth? A) 1.89 B) 0.53 C) 1.87 D) 0.77

    Domain values

    Using the index of a series as the domain and the value of the series as the range, is a series a function? Include the following in your answer: Which one of the basic functions (linear, quadratic, rational, or exponential) is related to the arithmetic series? Which one of the basic functions (linear, quadratic, ratio

    Examples of Arithmetic series and sequence

    Details: Using the index of a series as the domain and the value of the series as the range, is a series a function? Include the following in your answer: Which one of the basic functions (linear, quadratic, rational, or exponential) is related to the arithmetic series? Which one of the basic functions (linear, quadrat

    Volume function

    The volume of a cylinder (think about the volume of a can) is given by V = πr2h where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height of the cylinder. Suppose the volume of the can is 121 cubic centimeters. Write h as a function of r.