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    Polymer Chemistry

    Polymer Chemistry is the examination of chemical properties of polymers and its applicability in the synthesis of new macromolecules. A polymer by definition is a large molecule composed of many subunits known as monomers. Polymers can either be synthetic or natural. Synthetic polymers include synthetic plastics such as Poly(1-phenylethane-1,2-diyl), also known as polystyrene, which is made up of styrene monomers. Natural polymers include proteins within the body, which are made up of amino acid monomers. Recently, there has been a major focus on the field of Polymer Chemistry due to the vast range of properties that polymers may inherently possess. Thus, combining different monomers/polymers to form macromolecules with novel properties may play an essential role in the innovations of science and technology. The applicability of Polymer Chemistry extends into the subjects of biology, physics as well as engineering. For example, Polymer Chemistry may be used to treat physiological conditions such as coeliac disease, which involves an abnormal digestive enzyme activity. By linking certain polymers to these abnormal enzymes, the researchers were able to normalize the enzymatic activity (1). Thus, these new polymers were designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the digestive tract in order to provide a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of coeliac disease. Although, Polymer Chemistry is nothing new, and has been done for years, new properties and new combinations of polymers are continuously being discovered to synthesize macromolecules with novel properties. References: (1) http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2013/06/drug-protein-protection-digestive-tract © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com July 17, 2024, 1:05 pm ad1c9bdddf

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