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    Presenting and creating an image for investment high ranking officers

    You have a meeting with a distance learning investment company's CEO and a few other high ranking officers. You are trying to obtain a loan for a distance learning company that you would like to start. Fortunately, you have a mentor to whom you can turn for help. Write your mentor a n email in which you address the following:

    Sensitivity of the portfolios: calculate the risk rate.

    Based on a three-factor model, consider a portfolio composed of three securities with the following characteristics: Security Factor 1 Sensitivity Factor 2 Sensitivity Factor 3 Sensitivity Proportion A -0.2 3.6 0.05 0.6 B 0.5 10 0.75 0.2 C 1.5 2.2 0.3 0.2 What are the sensitivities of the portfolio to factors 1

    Calculate the market portfolio's standard deviation

    The market portfolio is assumed to be composed of four securities. Their covariances with the market and their proportions follow: Security Covariance with Market Proportion A 242 0.2 B 360 0.3 C 155 0.2 D 210 0.3 Given these data, calculate the market portfolio's standard deviation.

    Returns on portolios/stock

    I have found the following example; however, I am uncertain how to complete it. Thank you for your assistance. Suppose the expected return on the market portfolio is 13.8 percent and the risk-free rate is 6.4 percent. Solomon Inc. stock has a beta of 1.2. Assume the capital-asset-pricing model holds. a. What is the expecte

    Distance Learning business

    You have a meeting with a distance learning investment company's CEO and a few other high ranking officers. You are trying to obtain a loan for a distance learning company that you would like to start. Fortunately, you have a mentor to whom you can turn for help. Write your mentor a 2-page email in which you address the followin

    Risk Management: diversify by betas; can a portfolio be risk free?

    Please assist with the following: 1. If one of your stocks has a relatively high beta of 1.4 and is currently doing exceedingly well, why would you want a stock in your portfolio with a relatively low beta of 0.7 that has been recently under-performing? By diversifying your investments according to betas, have you entirely r

    Preferred Stock

    Preferred Products has issued preferred stock with an $8 annual dividend that will be paid in perpetuity. a. If the discount rate is 12 percent, at what price should the preferred sell? b. At what price should the stock sell 1 year from now? c. What is the dividend yield, the capital gains yield, and the expected rate of

    Balance Sheet; Price of bonds, stock

    1. The following data apply to the Maryland Manufacturing Company: debt ratio 60% current ratio 2.1 x total asset turnover 1.8 x days sales outstanding 42 days based on a 365 day year gross profit margin on sales 25% sales-cost of goods sold)/sales inventory turnover ratio 4

    Personal Finance Question #2

    Nancy Tai has recently opened a revolving charge account with MasterCard. Her credit limit is $1000, but she has not charged that much since opening the account. Nancy hasn't had the time to review her monthly statements as promptly as she should, but over the upcoming weekend, she plans to catch up on her work. In reviewing

    Porfolio Analysis

    You have been asked to participate in a portfolio analysis and investment seminar where you will be providing information to potential investors. The two main objectives that the organization has asked you to key in on are listed below. You have been asked to limit your scope to the US Stock Markets: 1. How do individual in

    Standard Deviation and risk of a portfolio

    1) Consider two securities, A and B, with standard deviations of 30% and 40%, respectively. Calculate the standard deviation of a portfolio weighted equally between the two securities if their correlation is: 1. 0.9 2. 0.0 3. -0.9 2) Jean Smith owns a portfolio composed of three securities with the following characteris

    The solution to Stock Price

    Company Z-prime is like Z in all respects save one: Its growth will stop after year 4. In year 5 and afterward, it will pay out all earnings as dividends. What is Z-prime's stock price? Assume next year's EPS is $15. Additional information: Company Z's earnings and dividends per share are expected to grow indefinitely by 5

    Finance questions

    1 Joe runs a little parts shop. His hourly labor price to customers is $40 per hour and his hourly material price works out to about 25% of the hourly labor price. His hourly labor cost is about 50% of his hourly labor price, and his material cost and material price are such that he makes 25% on materials. What is his firm's

    Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

    PROBLEM ONE The returns of Stock A and Stock B have the following distribution: (see attachment) a) Calculate the Expected Return for Stock A and Stock B b) Calculate the Variance and the Standard Deviation for Stock A and Stock B c) Calculate the Coefficient of Variation of each stock d) Calculate the Correlation Coeffic

    Value of Unpaid Bills

    On average, it takes Microlimp's customers 60 days to pay their bills. If Microlimp has annual sales of $500 million, what is the average value of unpaid bills?

    Sinking Fund

    A company issued $1,000,000, 10-year bonds and agreed to make annual sinking fund deposits of $80,000. The deposits are made at the end of each year into an account paying 5% annual interest. What amount will be in the sinking fund at the end of 10 years?

    Financial Analysis and Planning

    Could you help me calculate the sales-to-assets ratio, the profit margin, and the return on the two firms listed below; Sales Profits Assets Federal Stores $100 $10 $50 General Stores 20 4 20 (Financial data is in th

    Financial Manager

    The role of the financial manager in maximizing shareholders' value in today's financial market is described thoroughly.

    Expected return & standard deviation Problem

    Please show all work so I can understand your conclusion. Thanks 1. An investment has the following probability of returns. Expected Return Probability -0.20 0.10 -0.05 0.20 0.10 0.40 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.05 a. Compute the expected return

    Finance Problems

    1.Parker Corp common stock is currently trading at $30/share. The stock is expected to pay a dividend pf $3.00 per share at the end of the year (D1 = 3.00), and the dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5% a year. If the company were to issue external equity, it would incur a 10 percent floatation cost. What are

    Bart Simpson is shopping at Sprawl-Mart. Zero-interest sale

    Make sure ALL formulas, calculations, and timelines are clearly shown as these constitute a significant portion of the total marks available Bart Simpson always wanted to buy a digital camera. Homer and Marge go shopping at Sprawl-Mart for the newest digital camera. Sprawl-Mart electronics department sells the new View-Shot 7

    Changes in the financial services industry

    I am looking for additional insight with regard to how changes in the financial services industry over the next decade might impact stakeholder relationships an organization has with financial institutions. I'm not looking for anything too involved, perhaps a couple of paragraphs. Thank you for your assistance.

    KIC Inc: Issue of perpetual bonds. What is the price, callable and noncallable?

    KIC Inc, plans to issue $5 million of perpetual bonds. The face value of each bond is $1,000. The annual coupon on the bonds is 12 percent. Market interest rates on one year bonds are 11 percent. with equal probability, the long-term market interest rate will be either 14 percent or 7 percent next year. Assume investors are risk

    Tennessee gasoline prices, increase in disposal income, decrease

    1. Research the gasoline prices in 1956 (average cost in April) to the cost of gasoline in 2005 (average cost in April) in Tennessee and determine: a. What increase is required in disposable income to meet the difference of the cost of gasoline? b. Considering the choice of substitution. What would you advise your leadershi