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    Expected returns

    What is the expected return on a portfolio if an equal amount is invested in each stock? What would be expected return if 50 percent of your funds is invested in stock A and the remaining funds are split evenly between stocks B and C? Stock A 7% Stock B 12 Stock C 20 You are considering two stocks and have determined

    Poseidon Company and Brilliant Accents Company

    These are two accounting problems that I need solved. They deal with traditional cost and ABC cost systems, cost driver rates and cost pools, etc.. (See attached file for full problem description).

    Business and Financial Risk

    Agree or Disagree. Why? Axiom 9: All risk is not equal since some risk can be diversified away and some cannot. The process of diversification can reduce risk, and as a result, measuring a project or an asset's risk is very difficult.


    Part 1: Obtain the most recent financial statements for Microsoft from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website (http://www.sec.gov/). (Look for the annual report or Form 10-K.) Part 2: discuss and decide upon the best ratios for creating a forecast model for sales through operating income. Part 3: Develop

    Basic Finance Problem Set

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- 3. As you checked "Your Professor's answer" to the Self-Check Excercise problem 6 from this lesson (lesson 16) you will note that each year's net cash flows are calculated by adding depreciation back to net earnings. On the other hand, problem 1 in this assignment specifie

    Pehr asked Robert how to improve company ratios to qualify for a loan

    "Who can figure bankers?" Pehr Weisengraf mumbled as he returned to the office of his small candy manufacturing business, Professional Confectioners. "They're willing to lend money only to those business owners who don't really need it. If you can prove you don't need it, they'll throw it at your feet. Unfortunately, we need it,

    Nowlin Pipe and Steel

    Nowlin Pipe & Steel has projected sales of 72,000 pipes this year, an ordering cost of $6 per order, and carrying costs of $2.40 per pipe. a. What is the economic ordering quantity? b. How many orders will be placed during the year? c. What will the average inventory be?

    Market Efficiency

    Please advise if my calculation are correct from the excel file. The word file are the questions that were asked. --- Event Study and Market Efficiency Use the market model estimates of residual returns on IBM to determine whether the stock market reacts in an efficient way to earnings announcements. The data that is pr

    Amortization schedule computed

    On 10/1/05, the ACCT300 Commissioner authorized a special loan agreement with Astros Co, whereby Astros Co would borrow $125,000 at 9% interest. Conditions of tthe agreement require the repayment of the loan with 7 annual payments, beginning 10/1/06, in the following amounts Payment Number Payment Amount 1

    Auctions and Retirement Planning

    Working on two questions regarding auctions and Retirememnt planning, they are attached here, just need some direction on the manner in which I need to proceed and some background on auctions and types. --- 1. An oil painting by the late Carl Barks comes up for auction. Though not a household name, his work is highly admir

    Exchange Rates

    If I plan to go to Germany 30 days and the spot exchange rate is $1.30=1 euro. The 30-day forward rate is $1.36=1 euro. Disregarding fees, would it be better to exchange dollars for euro now or wait until I get to Europe in 30 days? Why?

    Accounting Finance Study Problems

    Instructions: Present the journal entries specified below; show supporting calculations. The trial balance of Garnett Company at December 31, 2002 includes the following: Debits Credits

    Standard Deviation of a portfolio

    Stock A has a standard deviation of return of 50%. Stock B has a standard deviation of return of 40%. The two stocks have a correlation of 60%. What is the standard deviation of return of a portfolio that is 25% Stock A and 75% Stock B? PLEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED MS_WORD FILE, for details. thank you.

    Exporting to France and Sweden

    Please see the attachment for full problem. A company exports goods to France and Sweden. These markets exhibit different demand schedules and price elasticities. The exporter decides to segment the markets and engage in price discrimination. Using the information in the table below, determine the equilibrium prices and quant

    Decision Analysis: Should Bill Goodman invest in a start up company?

    Bill Goodman has been offered the opportunity to invest $15,000 in a start-up company that intends to supply personal digital assistants (PDAs) to physicians in order to enable them to determine the approved medication for each HMO patient they treat. The business plan for this start-up calls for raising a total of between $1

    Double a Rate of Return with following Variables

    A company has a debt ratio of 0.5, total assets turnover of 0.25, and profit margin of 10%. The company wants to double ROE by increasing profit margin to 12%, leaving asset turnover the same, and increasing debt utilization. What new debt ratio, along with the new 12% profit margin, would be required to double the Rate of Ret

    Demello case 19 q5

    Determining the Cost of Capital (WACC) Case 19 Can One Size Fit All? The Oceanic Corporation, a Chesapeake, VA based company, was established in 1994. Glenn Rodgers III founded the corporation, which was privately owned at the time, after his retirement from Norentech Corporation.The Oceanic Corporation was original


    10. NPV and IRR. A project that costs $3,000 to install will provide annual cash flows of $800 for each of the next 6 years. Is this project worth pursuing if the discount rate is 10 percent? How high can the discount rate be before you would reject the project? 11. Project Evaluation. Revenues generated by a new fad pro

    Loans and Interest

    A) Which is preferable, a loan with a lower present value or a loan with a lower periodic installment? Why? b) Why is more interest paid at the beginning of a loan period than at the end?

    Please solve using excel.

    1. Which of the following receivables would not be classified as an "other receivable"? a. Advance to an employee b. Refundable income tax c. Notes receivable d. Interest receivable 2. An aging of a company's accounts receivable indicates that $6,000 are estimated to be uncollectible. I

    Please solve using excel.

    Chase County Bank agrees to lend Agler Brick Company $300,000 on January 1. Agler Brick Company signs a $300,000, 8%, 9-month note. 8. The entry made by Agler Brick Company on January 1 to record the proceeds and issuance of the note is a. Interest Expense ...................... 18,000 C

    Excel Solver Multiple Choice

    Terry Corporation had net income of $200,000 and paid dividends to common stockholders of $40,000 in 2003. The weighted average number of shares outstanding in 2003 was 50,000 shares. Terry Corporation's common stock is selling for $60 per share on the New York Stock Exchange. 17. Terry Corporation'