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    Which statement is correct for private placement?

    Which of the following statements is most correct? a. In a private placement, securities are sold to private (individual) investors rather than to institutions. b. Private placements occur most frequently in stock issues, but bonds can also be sold by private placement. c. Private placements are convenient for issuer

    Xtreme Toys

    (See attached files for full problem description) --- Xtreme Toys is a small manufacturing company in Southern California. Management is concerned because as their sales have grown, their cash flow has shrunk. Management doesn't understand how this could happen and has approached your team to find a solution for th

    Treasury bonds

    Create a document explaining what would happen to the US money supply if the Fed sold $100 billion in Treasury bonds. Please provide an example.

    Changes in banking

    Discussing changes in the financial services sector. Put particular focus on major changes in banking laws, how the Internet is impacting the industry, industry consolidation, and international banking.

    Cost Management Problems

    Dear BrainMass Staff: Thank you very much in advance to the OTA. who can help me with these problems. For this study guide please do all the required problems in the attachments. The problems that must be completed are: 8-45 9-54 12-53 13-43 14-49 Once again thank you for your help. If any OTAs have any questio

    Importance of research to business

    I specialize in solving business problems based on research and evaluation. I have just been hired by the new president of Playword Greeting Cards, an established company that sells greeting cards and collectibles to its own line of company-owned and franchise stores. The president wants my firm to research the causes of a downt

    Non constant growth stock

    Please help with the following problem. The dividend per share in one year is $2. In year two it is $4 a share. Then the dividend will grow at 5% per year after that. The expected rate of return is 12%. a What is the current stock price? b. What is the expected price of the stock in one year? c. The expected r

    Financing mix earnings leverage

    Company A is equity financed with 10000 shares of equity outstanding selling for $100 a share. It is restructuring. Low debt plan is to issue debt of $200,000 with proceeds to buy the stock. The high debt lan would exchange $400,000 of debt for equity. The debt will pay an interest rate of 10%. Company A pays no taxes. a


    I saw on the news that the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 100 points and that the NASDAQ was up 10 points." What exactly are the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the NASDAQ, and how can one be up and the other be down?

    Financial Analysis

    1. Why might a multinational corporation decide to borrow in a country such as Brazil, where interest rates are high, rather than a country like German, where interest rates are low? 2. What does it means to say that the dollar is a depreciating with the respect to a foreign currency? For a U. S. Consumer of foreign goods

    Financial Analysis

    1. Net income is $55,000, dividends paid are $8,000; what is the dividend pay-out ratio? 2. You own 200 shares of Easy stock that has a current market price of $25/share. What is the value of your holdings after a 15% stock dividend if the stock price per share remains unchanged? 3. If the value of one currency goes d

    Find the missing amount for additional investment

    Given the following information, find the additional investment for Winger Company - January 1, 2005 Assets $75,000 Liabilities $50,000 Owner's Equity $25,000 December 31, 2005 Assets $95,000 Liabilities $55,000 Owner's Equity $40,000 Owner's equity changes in one year Additional Investment ? Dr

    Inventory Management and Average Cash Balance

    Throughout the course of the year, my various projects will require a total amount of cash of $4,000,000. The interest cost for this requirement is 9.75%, while each transaction costs $100 to complete. What is my EOQ? How often should I order? What is my average cash balance? What is my total cost through the course of the year?

    Capital Structures for Pulp Paper Company and Holt Company

    Pulp Paper Company and Holt Paper Company are able to generate earnings before interest and taxes of $150,000. The separate capital structures for Pulp and Holt are shown below: Pulp Holt Debt @ 10% $ 800,000 Debt @ 10% $ 400,000 Common stock, $5 par 700,000 Common stock, $5 par 1,100,000 Total $1,500,

    Economics/finance questions

    2. Johnson Electronics is considering extending trade credit to some customers previously considered poor risks. Sales would increase by $100,000 if credit is extended to these new customers. Of the new accounts receivable generated, 10 percent will prove to be uncollectible. Additional collection costs will be 3 percent of sale

    Financial Analysis

    19 Constant-Growth Model. Here are data on two stocks, both of which have discount rates of 15percent. Stock A Stock B Return on equity 15% 10% Earnings per share $2.00 $1.50 Dividends per share $1.00 $1.00 What are the dividend payout ratios for each firm. What are the expected dividend growth rates firm wha

    Common Stock Value

    A company will pay a dividend of $1.50 per share in the next 12 months (D1). The required rate of return (Ke) is 10% and the constant growth rate is 5%. a. Compute P0. (For parts b, c, and d in this problem all variables remain the same except the one specifically changed. Each question is independent of the others.) b.

    Preferred Stock Value

    There is a fixed dividend of $6 per share. With the passage of time, yields have soared from the original 6% to 14%: What was the original issue price? What is the current value of this preferred stock? If the yield on the Standard & Poor's Preferred Stock Index declines, how will the price of the preferred stock be aff

    Financial Management and Payroll

    You walk into a new job and find that there are hundreds of accounts payable checks sitting in drawers. At this point you have no idea how much cash is available and you must meet a payroll of $100,000 in 2 days. Where would you start? What would you do?

    Short-Term Financial Management Decisions

    Vineet you posted a response on March 5 2006 pertaining to short Term Financial Management (see below). One of the questions asked was: will the company need any outside financing? and the response was as follows: There is a cash shortfall and a need for outside financing Could you please expound on this response as I tr

    Investment, mortgage, distribution of property and the need to raise finances. These are the topics covered in the five questions presented. Please see the questions in the long description.

    Detailed guidance to answer these questions is given in the solution: 6. ISP Corporation is an Internet service provider. How can ISP obtain capital to finance its operations? Discuss the different options. 7. With a couple of new ideas regarding software design, Carol and Ray start a partnership that, with business su

    Break Even analysis

    A firm sells two products, one call cogs and the other called sprocket. The firm has a fixed cost of $100,000.00 per year. Each cog costs $8 to produce but can be sold in the market for $18. Each sprocket costs $22 to product, and has a market price of $40. 5 cogs are sold for every 7 sprockets. The production facility of t

    Question about Investment analysis

    Scenario: The largest retail brokerage firm in the US, America's Best Investment Company, has hired you to advise clients on investments and to meet their individual financial objectives. Your first client, Dr. Tyrone Washington, is a wealthy, young doctor with little experience in financial decision making and investments.

    Am I correct?

    A company has an equal number of low-risk projects, average-risk projects, and high-risk projects. The company estimates that the overall company's WACC is 12%. This is also the correct cost of capital for the company's average-risk projects. The company's CFO argues that, even though the company's projects have different risks,

    Finance: calculate expected share price

    ABC Enterprises is a relatively new firm that appears to be on the road to great success. The company paid their first annual dividend yesterday in the amount of $.28 a share. The company plans to double each annual dividend payment for the next 3 years. After that time, they are planning on paying a constant $1.50 per share

    Breakeven Analysis: 2 products using common facility

    Please assist and show work so I can determine my error. A firm sells two products, one call slingers and the other called widgets. The firm has a fixed cost of $50,000.00 per year. Each slinger costs $4 to produce but can be sold in the market for $9. Each widget costs $11 to product, and has a market price of $20. 5 Sli

    Choosing between loans

    An individual wishes to borrow $10,000 and is offered the following alternatives: a. a 10 percent loan discounted in advance b. an 11 percent straight loan (i.e., interest paid at maturity). Which loan is more expensive? Please illustrate work...

    PV of Agri-Products Loan at Delivery Date

    McClelland Corporation agreed to purchase some landscaping equipment from Agri-Products for a cash price of $500,000. Before accepting delivery of the equipment, McClelland learned that the same equipment could be purchased from another dealer for $460,000. To avoid losing the sale, Agri-Products have offered McClelland a "no in

    Financing Policy

    I would like assistance with the following question thank you. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of a conservative asset financing policy and an aggressive asset financing policy?