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    3-5 year Financial Projections for Pfizer, Inc.

    Based on the strategic plan analysis posted earlier of Pfizer, Inc, please provide financial projections for at least the next 3-5 years. These financial projections must be based upon YOUR recommendations for the company NOT a rehash of the company's projections. You must select the financial ratios, projections, information,

    Finance Question and Process

    Baker brothers have a DSO of 40 days. The company's average daily sales are $20,000. What is the level of its accounts receivable? Assume there are 365 days in a year. Data for Barry Computer Company and its industry averages follow. a) Calculate the indicated ratios for Barry. b) Construct the extended Du Pont equation

    Depreciation and Amortization

    Details: Your friend Lucy slept through a class in which her professor explained the concepts of depreciation and amortization. Use the Cybrary's Accounting links and/or dictionary sources and the Internet to learn about these concepts, and then write an explanation of the concepts for Lucy. Be sure to cite your sources.

    MBA Level

    Mary currently works for a small company that pays her a salary of $30,000 per year as a computer technician. She is considering opening her own business as a computer technician/consultant. She estimates her annual revenues at $95,000 and total annual operating expenses at $75,000. Her accountant acquaintance advises her to

    Graphical break-even analysis

    Draw two break-even graphs-one for a conservative firm using labor-intensive production and another for a capital-intensive firm. Assuming these companies compete within the same industry and have identical sales, explain the impact of changes in sales volume on both firms' profits. Although no exa

    Solvency and liquidity position

    Select a publicly held company. Look at the most recent Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows and decide if you will give this company a loan equal to 10% of their retained earnings. Justify your decision in 300 to 500 words. I picked Target and I would give them the loan but can you tell me how to

    Operating Leverage Financial Leverage

    Highland Cable Company is considering an expansion of its facilities. Its current income statement is as follows: Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000,000 Less: Variable expense (50% of sales) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000,000 Fixed expense . . . . . . . . . . .

    Graphic Break Even Analysis

    See attachment for the spreadsheet. Draw two break-even graphs-one for a conservative firm using labor-intensive production and another for a capital-intensive firm. Assuming these companies compete within the same industry and have identical sales, explain the impact of changes in sales volume on both firms' pro

    Communicating negative variances to management

    What methods are most effective in communicating negative variances to management? Is corrective action always necessary after identifying variances? Why or why not? When is it necessary to become a "whistle blower"?

    Financial Plan

    How can you balance the alignment of organizational goals with compliance of legal requirements when implementing a financial plan? Why is it necessary to assign responsibility for performance during the implementation of a financial plan? Who assigns responsibility for implementation?

    firm's business risk

    When examining a firm's financial structure, would you be concerned with the firm's business risk? Why or why not?

    Microtech Corporation: Stock Valuation

    Microtech Corporation is expanding rapidly, and it currently needs to retain all of it's earnings, hence it does not pay any dividends. However, investors expect Microtech to begin paying dividends, with the first dividend of $1.00 coming 3 years from today. The dividends should grow rapidly- at a rate of 50 percent per year- du

    Preferred Stock Valuation - Ezzell Corporation

    Ezzell Corporation issued preferred stock with a stated dividend of 10 percent of par. Preferred stock of this type currently yields 8 percent, and the par value is $100. Assume dividends are paid annually. a. What is the value of Ezzell's preferred stock? b. Suppose interest rate levels rise to the point where the preferre

    Need help figuring out short term investment below

    Cole Company entered into the transactions listed below during 2003. Prepare the appropriate journal entries for Cole Company. You may omit journal entry explanations but you should show computations. Jan. 10 Purchased 500 shares of Adams Company common stock for $35,000 as a short-term investment in stock securities. Apr.

    Databases and financial institutions.

    I need help analyzing the use of databases in a large bank/collection call center. I need examples and descriptions of known database applications that are used (Microsoft Access, DB2, Oracle, etc.) or some that could be considered to help the organization run smoother. For the known applications, I need to propose improvement

    Finance Concepts

    Bernie and Pam Britten are a young married couple beginning careers and establishing a household. They will each make about $50,000 next year and will have accumulated about $40,000 to invest. They now rent an apartment but are considering purchasing a condominium for $100,000. If they do, a down payment of $10,000 will be requi

    Solve: Stock Prices

    Pigeon Express currently plows back 40 percent of its earnings and earns a return of 20 percent on this investment. The dividend yield on the stock is 4 percent. 1. Assuming that Pigeon can continue to plow back this proportion of earnings and earn a 20 percent return on the investment, how rapidly will earnings and dividends

    Risk analysis for investment

    You believe Dr. Washington is now ready to begin risk analysis and is ready to understand the risk differences among various investments. The most basic fact you want to convey to him is risk and return?the greater the risk, the greater the expected return. From there, you want to explain how expected returns can be calculated g

    I do not understand the following can you briefly explain?

    When Maria was considering buying the peanut butter cookie plant, one of her options was to convert it to make more lemon crème cookies, since near-term demand for the lemon crème cookies exceeded current capacity by 600,000 packs. What should Maria have done if the breakeven volume of lemon crème cookies in this new plant we

    Breakeven Analysis

    Nummer electric company can make a product in-house or outsource it. The fixed cost to produce it in-house is $72,000 abd each item costs $420 to produce. If out-sourced each item will cost $600. The items sell for $800. Which is more profitable if the expected sales level is 200? Which is more profitable if the expected s

    Finance Concepts

    Nancy Tai has recently opened a revolving charge account with MasterCard. Her credit limit is $1000, but she has not charged that much since opening the account. Nancy hasn't had the time to review her monthly statements as promptly as she should, but over the upcoming weekend, she plans to catch up on her work. In reviewing