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    Managerial Accounting

    If you had a business and your accountant told you to either expense it all, or to capitalize it all, what would your response be? Make a decision and prepare an argument for it, backing it up with what the short and long term effects of your decision will likely be, how this will affect your business financially and in day to

    Buisness Organizations

    What are the three forms of business organization and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each form? For a corporation, what is the overall goal of the financial manager? What is the objective of this firm? Do you agree with this goal? Why or why not?

    Break-even point and Degree of Leverage

    Break-even point and degree of leverage University Catering sells 50-pound bags of popcorn to university dormitories for $10 a bag. The fixed costs of this operation are $80,000, while the variable costs of the popcorn are $.10 per pound. 1. What is the break-even point in bags? 2. Calculate the profit or loss on 12,000 bag

    Break-even analysis

    Break-even analysis Air Filter, Inc., sells its products for $6 per unit. It has the following costs: Rent $100,000 Factory labor $1.20 per unit Executive salaries $89,000 Raw material $.60 per unit Separate the expenses between fixed and variable cost per unit. Using this information and the sales price per unit of $6

    Managerial Finance

    See attached file for full problem description. I need help just with the first 3 problems (Marked in red). Please include references. Evaluate the 3M and Dell companies' financial performance using trend and financial ratio analysis, and analyze their most recent statements of cash flows. You may include charts summari

    Semistrong-Form Efficieny

    Investors expect a company to announce a 10 percent increase in earnings, but instead the company announces a 1 percent increase. If the market is semistrong-form efficient, which of the following would you expect to happen? a. The stock's price increases slightly because the company had a slight increase in earnings. b. T

    Implicit Cost of Demand and Financial Intermediation

    A financial intermediation has estimated the following annual costs for its demand deposits: management cost per account = $140, average account size = $1,500, average number of checks processed per account per month = 75, cost of clearing a check = $0.10, fees charged to customer per check = $0.05, and average fee charged per c

    Finance: What do you expect will happen to Aerotech's stock?

    1. Aerotech, an aerospace-technology research firm, announced this morning that it has hired the world's most knowledgeable and prolific space researchers. Before today, Arotech's stock had been selling for $100. Assuming that no other information is received over the next week and the stock market as a whole does not move. a.

    Both Sides of the debate.

    Scenario: As a senior financial analyst for Fresh Juices, Inc., the largest fresh fruit drink company in the United States, you are a key player in corporate finance for the business. You are consulted on major capital projects, prepare analysis for executive officers, present material at senior management meetings, and play th

    Treasury and Municipal Bonds

    A) Why banks hold Treasury bills and municipal bonds in their investment accounts. Why do they hold few corporate securities? b) Why the U.S. public has not accepted the concept "The free market is the best regulator of business" for regulating depository financial institutions. (In other words, why is there much less opposit

    River Beverages: Budgeting

    Hilton, Chapter 18, Case 18.48, River Beverages Overview River Beverages is a food and soft-drink company with worldwide operations. The company is organized into five regional divisions with each vice president reporting directly to the CEO, Cindy Wilkins. Each vice president has an R&D department, controller, and three di

    Tastee Fruit Company: Standard Cost

    TasteeFruit Company is a small producer of fruit-flavored frozen desserts. For many years its products have had strong regional sales on the basis of brand recognition. However, other companies have begun marketing similar products in the area, and price competition has become increasingly important. John Wakefield, the company'

    Old Alfred Road MINI CASE Problem

    Old Alfred Road, who is well-known to drivers on the Maine Turnpike, has reached his seventieth birthday and is ready to retire. Mr. Road has no formal training in finance but has saved his money and invested carefully. Mr. Road owns his home - the mortgage is paid off - and does not want to move. He is a widower, and he want

    Investment Management: Inheritance

    I am looking for assistance in the area of services of a stock broker and estate planner. I understand that they are individuals that assist people of all income variations who are attempting to set money aside from their financial earnings to invest in the market. The investment with the assistance of the chosen broker can ass

    Financial condition of Ford and GM.

    Accessing the MD&A (Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation) from the company's most recent Annual Report or Form 10-K, identify at least one accounting policy, standard, estimate, or pronouncement cited by the company as being particular importance, and explain how the company compli

    Finance problem.

    A firm produces satellites that sell for $100,000 each. The firm's fixed costs, F, are $2 million. 50 satellites are produced and sold each yr. Profits total $500,000. The firm's assets (all equite financed) are $5 million. The firm estimates it can change the production process by adding $4 million to investments and $

    Finance questions- Time Value of Money, Bonds, NPV

    1. Mr. Miser, who is 35 years old, has just inherited $11,000 and decides to use the windfall towards his retirement. He places the money in a bank which promises a return of 6% per year until his planned retirement in 30 years. If his funds earn 6% interest compounded annually, how much will he have at retirement? Repeat the


    Alpha Corporation and Beta Corporation are identical in every way except their capital structures. Alpha Corporation, an all-equity firm, has 5,000 shares of stock outstanding, currently worth $20 per share. Beta Corporation uses leverage in its capital structure. The market value of Beta's debt is $25,000. The cost of this debt

    Velcro Saddles

    Velcro Saddles is contemplating the acquisition of Pogo Ski Sticks, Inc. The values of the two companies as separate entities are $20 million and $10 million, respectively. Velcro Saddles estimates that by combining the two companies, it will reduce marketing and administrative costs by $500,000 per year in perpetuity. Velcro Sa

    Merger and Acquisition

    Fly-by-night Couriers is analyzing the possible acquisition of Flash-in the pan Restaraunts. Neither firm has debt. The forecasts of Fly-by-night show that the purchase would increase its annual after-tax cash-flow by $600,000 indefinately. The current market value of Flash-in -the-Pan is $20 million. The current market value of

    Stock record keeping

    I am looking for a simple template to keep track of 3 stocks daily or weekly for 10 weeks with the capacity to graph results.

    Financial Accounting

    1. What is an example of a situation that requires the establishment of a contingent liability? Why should a company establish a contingent liability? How does the establishment of a contingent liability impact earnings? 2. What is an example of a potentially unethical accounting situation? Why is the situatio

    Secured Creditors, Unsecured Creditors, Preferred Stockholders

    What are the principal differences between Secured Creditors, Unsecured Creditors, Preferred Stockholders and Common Stockholders? During a partial or complete liquidation, what is the priority of asset distribution? When you are considering two different financing plans, does being at the level When does insider tradin

    Unethical Practices and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    Identify situations that might lead to unethical practices and behavior in accounting. Then, examine the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on financial statements. Based on that prepare one question for discussion.

    Fortune 500: Financial Trends of Ford

    Select a Fortune 500 company and retrieve financial data for the company for a period of 5 years. And, answer the following: a. Identify two or three major financial trends. b. Calculate three key financial ratios. c. Develop several financial recommendations. d. Locate an article that appraises the dangers of basi

    Financial Analysis of Raytheon

    Obtain financial information for Raytheon. You should begin by obtaining an annual report for the company. You should also explore the company's Web site and the Company Directories and Financial Reports. Write a 5 page paper with the following information. b. Prepare a 2001 - 2005 trend table of the financial ratios below