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    The term 'depreciation' in general usage usually refers to the loss of value of some asset, such as the loss in value of a family vehicle over time. However, depreciation in accounting is note measured in relation to the loss of market value of an asset over time. The term depreciation in accounting refers to the allocation of the cost of an asset over its useful life. Instead of expensing the cost of a long-term asset when it is acquired, we "capitalize" the cost of the asset and expense a portion of this cost each period that the asset is used. In this way we are better able to match the cost of the asset against revenues over multiple periods that it helps earn. 

    There are three basic factors that determine the amount of depreciation expense that is allocated each year: (1) the amount to be depreciated, (2) the asset's useful life, and (3) the method/pattern of allocation that best for the particular asset. 

    The Amount to Be Depreciated

    The amount to be depreciated is calculated based on the assets historical cost (or book value) and its salvage value (or residual value). The salvage value is an estimate of the amount of money that will be recovered in the disposal of the asset at the end of its useful life. For example, salvage value could be the trade-in-value expected to be received for an old vehicle. Salvage vaue and residual value are usually estimates. 

    Useful Life

    The useful life of an asset is estimated as the amount of time that the asset is expected to contribute economic benefits to the company. An assets useful life represents the amount of time the asset is expected to be employed by the company, even if this amount of time is less than the actual, physical life of the asset. 

    Methods of Cost Allocation

    The pattern and method of cost allocation must also be determined in order to depreciate the asset. There is a variety of methods available including the straight-line method, accelerated methods (such as the declining balance method or sum-of-the-years' methods), activity methods (such as units of use or units of production), and special methods (such as group, composite, hybrid, or combination methods). 

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    BrainMass Categories within Depreciation

    Straight-Line Method of Depreciation

    Solutions: 11

    The straight-line method is a popular method of depreciation because of its simplicity as well as the fact that a constant amount of depreciation over time often matches a machine's creeping obsolescense.

    Units-of-Production Method of Depreciation

    Solutions: 1

    This activity-based method of depreciation recognizes that wear and tear on a machine may come from use; therefore, a greater depreciation expense should be allocated during periods that that machine is used more.

    Declining-Balance Method of Depreciation

    Solutions: 0

    The declining balance method is one type of 'decreasing charge method.' Under this method, a greater depreciation expense is charged in earlier periods than later periods. This method is usually justified on the grounds that new assets provide their greatest benefits in their early years.

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