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    Approximate of Cameras Sold

    1. The camera department of a large department store sells three different brands of cameras: Proxima, Yakima, and Tetron. Approximately 60% of the cameras sold are Yakimas with Tetrons accounting for 30% of sales and Proxima the remaining 10%. Store records show that approximately ¼ of those who purchase a Yakima return wit

    Day Worker Probability

    1. A group of day to day workers can work either 0 hours, eight hours or 12 hours at a pay rate of $9.75 per hour. (The 12 hour day pays regular time for the first eight hours and double time for the remaining four hours.) On any given day there is a 0.2 probability of not working at all, 0.7 probability of working an eight ho


    Question 1 Assume that you are the owner of a small business that employs two people on a telephone help desk. Records show that one of the employees is busy taking calls for 40% or the time and the other is busy taking calls 55% of the time: a) What is the probability that when a new call comes in that both of the emp

    Card Solution Probability

    Please explain why in a two card hand out of a deck of 52 cards the probability of getting 2 consecutive cards is 208/1326, how did you get this?

    Sum Product using Excel

    Please help with the calculations as I am new with Excel Solver, and I am having problems formulating. For the LP problems, you will need to solve using the Excel Solver. We have used the Sum Product feature when using Excel. So in cases where you can use that, please do so. See the attached file.

    Basketball Free Throws

    A basketball player makes 80% of his free throws. If he attempts eight free throws during the next game, what is the probability that he will make more than his average?

    The Weight of a Goose Probability

    A field biologist grabs geese and weighs them. He finds out that the weights of the geese are normally distributed with a mean of 9 pounds and a standard deviation of 1.3 pounds. What then, is the probability that one of these geese snatched at random will weigh less than 10.5 pounds?

    Wildlife Biologist Studies - Mean Weight

    A wildlife biologist captures a certain species of geese in orer to weigh them. Using science, he determines that the weights are normally distributed with a mean of nine pounds and a standard deviation of 1.3 pounds. What is the probability that a goose captured at random will weigh between 8 pounds and 11 pounds?

    US Army Machine Gun Ammunition

    For machine gun ammunition to be acceptable, the US Army requires that 96 percent of rounds fired hit a specified target. The test is to fire a 50 round burst at the target and observe whether this condition is met. A manufacturer estimates that each round of their ammunition has a probability of .99 of hitting the target. What