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    Basic Algebra

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    Algebra Word Problems for Stuntman`s Last Fall

    A stunt man fell a distance of 369 feet into an airbag. The distance (d) in feet traveled by a freefalling object in (t) seconds is given by the formula d=16t^2. To the nearest tenth of a second, how long did the stuntman's fall last?

    Quadratic Functions and Parabolas : Maximum Height and Maximum Area

    (1) Suppose a baseball is shot up from the ground straight up with an initial velocity of 32 feet per second. A function can be created by expressing distance above the ground, s, as a function of time, t. This function is s = -16t2 + v0t + s0 ?16 represents ½g, the gravitational pull due to gravity (measured in feet per seco

    Square Root Property

    2. Solve using the square root property: Radicands must be enclosed within [ ]. 2x2 - 5 = 45

    Radicals and Rational Exponents

    Radical and rational exponent notation are two ways to show the same process. Explain the similarities between radicals and rational exponent notation. Provide at least two other examples of mathematical notation or wording denoting the same process.

    Proof by Induction : Step-by-step

    Let p(n) be the statement that: 1^3 + 2^3 + ... + n^3 = (n (n + 1) /2)^2 for the positive integer n. a) What is the statement P(1)? b) Show that P(1) is true, completing the basis step of the proof. c) What is the inductive hypothesis? d) What do you need to prove in the inductive step? e) Complete the inductive

    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    1. Sketch the graphs of y=5x and y=-5x+2-1 on the same set of axes. Identify the following properties of each graph: a) the domains b) the ranges c) any asymptotes d) the y-intercepts 2. The population of the U.S. doubles approximately every 100 years. In 1980 the population of the U.S. was 200 million. Find the projec

    Polynomials : Zeros and Complex Roots

    Find the polynomial f(x) of degree three that has zeroes at 1, 2, and 4 such that f(0) = -16. a. f (x) = x3 − 7x2 +14x −16 b . f (x) = 2x3 −14x 2 + 28x −16 c . f (x) = 2x3 −14x 2 +14x −16 d . f (x) = 2x3 + 7x2 +14x +16 Find the third degree polynomial whose graph is shown in the figure

    Algebra Exercises Evaluated

    Algebra Exercises. See attached file for full problem description. 1. Evaluate , if possible. 2. Determine whether is rational or irrational. A) Rational B) Irrational 3. Simplify. A) 54 B) C) D) 4. Simplify. Assume all variables represents positive numbers. A) B) C) D)

    How Many Novels Were Sold?

    Sam wrote a best-selling novel. His publisher gives him 5% commission on the sales of his novel sold. He received a check for 5,000 U.S. A. How many novels were sold? B. What were the total sales on the novel?

    Distance traveled between Chicago and St. Louis

    It is approximately 300 miles from Chicago, Illinois, to St. Louis, Missouri. allowing for various traffic conditions, a driver can average approximately 60 miles per hour. a) How far have you traveled after 3 hours? b) How far have you traveled after 4 hours? c) How far have you traveled after 1 hour? ie. write a line

    Math Puzzle: Addends and Sums

    Fay Ling is not going to pass her second semester math class unless she can supply the missing addends and sums in the following grid. Please help her by filling in the missing information (please see attached).

    Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

    Using the index of a sequence as the domain and the value of the sequence as the range, is a sequence a function? Which one of the basic functions (linear, quadratic, rational, or exponential) is related to the arithmetic sequence? Which one of the basic functions (linear, quadratic, rational, or exponential) is related

    Fit a Polynomial of Optimal Degree

    Fit a polynomial of optimal degree to these points: s 1.1 1.6 11.4 4.1 5.3 17.5 9.4 11.5 12.1 f(x) 7.9 24.8 -28.8 42.6 29.6 -34.6 -3.1 -28.7 -39.6 Use "polyfit" function using MATLAB. See the attached file.