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    Iran-Iraq War & War on Terror

    The War on Terror is a commonly used term in reference to the global military campaign that began in response to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. The general goal of these campaigns were to defeat al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

    This term was first used by United States President George W. Bush shortly after 9/11. It has  now evolved into a very vague, umbrella term that represents a global military, political and conceptual battle with al-Qaeda, militant Islamists and other groups that support jihad.

    Some theorists, including Richard Jackson argue that the ‘War on Terror’ is actually a set of practices including wars, covert operations, agencies and institutions with an accompanying series of assumptions, beliefs, justifications are narratives.¹

    It is important to note that War on Terror’ is a colloquial term and is no longer used by the Presidential administration. The military term for this is ‘Overseas Contingency Operation.’ It is usually politicians, the media and consumers that use ‘War on Terror.’

    There is no specific battleground or front for the War on Terror. It has taken place in parts of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe and North America.

    Specific Operations that took place in the War on Terror are Operation Active Endeavour, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.²

    The George W. Bush administration defined the following objectives in the War on Terror²:

    1. Defeat terrorists such as Osama bin Ladin, Abu Musab al-Zarqwi and demolish their organizations.
    2. Identify, locate and demolish terrorists along with their organizations.
    3. Deny sponsorhip, support and sanctuary to terrorists.
    4. Diminish the underlying conditions that terrorists seek to exploit.
    5. Defend US citizens and interests at home and abroad.

    This is a helpful resource from the Central Intelligence Agency website with an accurate timeline.



    1. http://books.google.ca/books/about/Writing_the_War_on_Terrorism.html?id=onUFTqkP7sAC&redir_esc=y

    2. http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2003/02/20030214-7.html

    © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com July 16, 2024, 6:56 pm ad1c9bdddf

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    United States had launched several military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks on its soil. President Bush, together with certain allies labeled it as the Global War on Terror. President Bush was very optimistic about these operations, especially in Iraq, but the reality is different. There is no doubt that US had several interests in the Gulf region, but stung by failures, it decided to rethink of its operations in Iraq. US has understood that it has to change to nation building exercises other than military operations. US military is now involved in training Iraqi army and police, building roads, schools and helping the local governments. Recent news headlines reveal the intentions of Bush administration on the war with Iraq. It says that after 9/11, Bush was ready to go to war even though the UN did not finish its analysis on Weapons of Mass Destruction. Recently,there were parliamentary elections in the 13 provinces of Iraq. Inspite of the threat from the radicals, two third of the people turned up for the poll. United States is planning to evacuate Iraq by August 2011. There are natural apprehensions about the future of Iraq after the US withdrawal. The neighboring nations like Saudi, Iran and Syria may play a key role in the safety and security of Iraq. There are also other factors which determine the future of Iraq. Apart from the military point of view, the destiny of Iraq lies in who is controlling the oil explorations. The intentions of the new government regarding Afghanistan is clear; defeat Al Quaeda and Taliban. As the time passed, US administration unfolded its future plans in Afghanistan. In an effort to rout the Taliban, US led coalition forces started the war, Operation Moshtarak. At present, the operation is concentrated at the Helmand Province. The operation helped the Afghans clear Taliban from the cities of Marja and Nad Ali. The recent bombing in Kandahar was a warning to the NATO forces. However, the Ministry spokesman said the attack failed to achieve its objectives. When the US and NATO withdraws, civil war may resume. If such a situation arises, there is every possibility that Taliban may be successful and become a vital political force once again.

    Nation Building: US in Iraq & Afghanistan United States had launched several operations in Iraq as well as Afghanistan since the September 11 attacks. The operations were purposed to eliminate weapons of mass destruction and terrorist cells. President Bush, together with certain allies labeled it as the Global War on Terror.