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    Musculoskeletal Health

    Musculoskeletal health can be broken down into three areas: bone health, joint health and muscle health. Bone health is influenced by a lifetime of lifestyle choices as well as genetics. For instance, physical activity levels early in life may be a determinant of bone health later in life.

    A number of factors can affect bone health. A diet low in calcium leads to diminished bone density and early bone loss. Physical inactivity causes a higher risk of osteroporosis. Research has shown that tobacco use contributes to weak bones. Women are at a higher risk of osteoporosis as they have less bone tissue than men. Certain medications can be damaging to bones with long-term use, such as prednisone and cortisone.¹

    Joint health involves preventing and treating arthritis, an inflammation of the joints. Over time, even healthy joints deteriorate, but there are steps that can be taken to minimize the effects. For instance, maintaining good posture will help one’s muscles and skeletal system work together with less strain on their joints. Warm baths, massages and daily stretches can also improve joint health.

    Healthy muscles allow people to move freely and keep their body strong. A lifestyle which includes exercise, stretching, getting enough rest and eating a balanced diet will help keep muscles healthy. Strong muscles will also contribute to maintaining healthy joints. Muscle strain can result from the muscle being stretched too much, or from the muscle tearing.  


    1. Bone Health: Tips to Keep Your Bones Healthy. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from: 

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