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    Two case studies...

    The guildlines for each case study are attached in the attachment and must provide the following guidelines: FACTS- (Already stated in the question) ISSUE- ( What is the dispute between the parties?) LAW- (What area of the law?) DISCUSSION-(This is your analysis-include major and minor points/opposing points of view or cou

    Managerial Finance: Howell Auto Parts Purchase vs Lease Decision

    16B-1. Howell Auto Parts is considering whether to borrow funds and purchase an asset or to lease the asset under an operating lease arrangement. If the company purchases the asset, the cost will be $10,000. It can borrow funds for four years at 12 percent interest. The firm will use the three-year MACRS depreciation category (w

    Should the Minnetonka Corporation make or buy the bindings?

    Details: Based on the attachment, 1. Should the Minnetonka Corporation make or buy the bindings? Show calculations to support your answer. 2. What would be the maximum purchase price acceptable to the Minnetonka Corporation for the bindings? Support your answer with an appropriate explanation. 3. Instead of sales of

    Investments Functions Solved

    Please see the attached excel sheet. I tried to solve the problem but I need assistance to complete it. Please explain briefly. Smallerfacility (X) Larger facility (Y) Space 10,000 15,000 Rent 100000 150000 Additional cost choosing X Sales*0.15 1st year weak sales 250,000 1st year

    Common-size income statements and financial revenue

    I am to create a common-size income statement for Ford Motor Co. My textbook says that in a common-size statement, you set total sales as the denominator and all other sources of income as a percentage of that number. However, for a company like Ford, there is "financial service revenue" in addition to the automotive sales and r

    Lease or buy problem

    1. Lease or Buy. Your company wants to purchase a new network file server for its wide-area computer network. The server costs $75,000. It will be completely obsolete in three years. Your options are to borrow the money at 10 percent or to lease the machine. If you lease, the payments will be $27,000 per year, payable at the

    Solve: Lease or Buy?

    Your company wants to purchase a new network file server for its wide-area computer network. The server costs $75,000. It will be completely obsolete in three years. Your options are to borrow the money at 10 percent or to lease the machine. If you lease, the payments will be $27,000 per year, payable at the end of each of the n

    Describe a systematic approach to evaluate a business opportunity.

    As a student, how can you think about properly evaluating a business opportunity? In particular, what is a rigorous approach to evaluating the risk in buying a business and to properly evaluating that business. The approach suggested in the solution can be adapted to other types of business analyses, which you may be asked to

    how to buy a business including necessary steps.

    This essay addresses ideas and gives some Internet resources that can help the student entrepreneur with the research into buying a business. How can the student/entrepreneur go about locating a promising business to buy? Where can he or she get help in identifying businesses that are or may be for sale? Apart from expert

    Accounting Analysis

    I need to expand the last page into a memo and assess the condition of the company using ratio's analysis inclduing key ratios and the Dupont analysis.(--just that section--) WORD COUNT OF atleast a 800 words is NEEDED. More is always better =)

    Hard Removals: Analysis of Lease or Buy option for a new truck

    I don't understand how to incorporate the 70% owner's equity and 30% debt into the calculation. Can you please provide me step by step instructions on how to solve this question correctly or provide me with the solutions so I can verify it where I went wrong. The firm, Hard Removals, is operated by a sole proprietor, and is