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    Expect to pay for a stock with the following characteristics

    Problem 7 How much would you expect to pay for a stock with the following characteristics? Expected quarterly dividends: $0.70 Expected stock price in 3 years: $15.00 Required market rate of return: 12% You have no expectations regarding dividends after 3 years. Problem 8 How much would you expect to pay for a stoc

    How might Jenny optimally invest: portfolio and risk associated.

    Given the following RF = 5% p.a. RM = 12% p.a. RiskM = 10% p.a. Describe how Jenny might optimally invest $1,000,000 in a portfolio of financial assets to earn an expected return of 14% p.a. and determine the risk that she would face in doing so. State all necessary assumptions.

    Calculating the return on an investment for 1949 Motorcycle

    A 1949 Vincent Black Shadow Series V motorcycle sold for about $45,000 in 1996. If you were fortunate enough to have purchased one new for $630 in 1949, what return did you earn on your investment? If the value of a $20,000 1998 Bimota Supermono appreciates at the same rate, what will it be worth in another 47 years?

    Defining Internal Growth Rate & Computing Plowback Ratio

    Assets and costs are proportional to sales. Debt & equity are not. Filer Manufacturing Co. maintains a constant 40% dividend payout ratio. No external financing is possible. What is the internal growth rate? How do I determine the addition to retained earnings to compute the plowback ratio? Attached is the income statemen