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    Finance problem

    Please do not submit any financial statements-just the answers and any calculations. Using the annualized returns on 10-year treasury constant maturity rate bonds, the common equity of the Kellogg Company, and the S&P 500 index, calculate the following statistical measures: ? mean (of each individual asset), ? standard d

    Financial Institutions

    What are some of the main financial institutions that all corporations utilize (or even some that could be used personally)?

    The role of financial institutions

    1. What is financial intermediation? 2. What is the role of financial institutions? Please be thorough and also give me some examples to help me fully understand each concept.

    Exchanges, NYSE, NASDAQ, etc

    How does the two exchanges operate? How are NYSE and NASDAQ similar, if at all? How are the two exchanges different from one another, if at all? In light of the recent corporate scandals like Enron, WorldCom, etc, have any of the two exchanges taken some meaningful measures to help allay the concerns of investors? Ex

    Answers to T/F, Multiple Choice Questions in Accounting (25 T/F, 25 Multiple Choice): Business entity, accounting equation, account payable, ledger, T account, flow of accounting data, trial balance, accrual accounting, adjusting entry, work sheet, adjusting entries, System analysis, internal audit, subsidiary ledgers

    True/False 1. Accounting is an information system and is often called the "language of business." T 2. A business entity is the occurrence of an event or condition that must be recorded. F 3. The accounting equation can be expressed as Liabilities + Assets = Owner's Equity. F 4. Paying an account payable inc

    Which of the following is not a category of financial statement ratios?

    1. Which of the following is not a category of financial statement ratios? A) Financial leverage. B) Liquidity. C) Profitability. D) Prospectus. 2. Management's use of resources can best be evaluated by focusing on measures of: A) Liquidity. B) Activity. C) Leverage. D) Book value. 3. An ind


    Briefly discuss the focus of the investment decision, the financing decision, and the working capital and short-term operating decisions and how these decisions are interrelated with each other. The expected return and risk of the portfolio are two of the most important measures of attractiveness. Precisely & completely e

    Finance Example Problem

    What determines project risk and preset value? Please answer the questions. Explain why you think it is significant. Why this is a practicial problem in finance? What would you recommend to be a creative way to attack this problem?

    Housing Loan Question : Principle, Interest and Repayment Structure

    A housing loan is taken out for $250,000. The rate of interest is 6% per annum and the loan is over a 25 year period. The repayments are made monthly. The formula: (See attached) gives An the amount owing at the end of the nth time period. Here n is given in months and r, expressed as a decimal, is the monthly rate of int


    Subject: Financial Management Details: 1.A prpoperty and casualty company's revenue for a year is generated from _________. a. the premium income for policies written during the year b. claim expenses depreciated against the real assets of the company c. investment income resulting from the investment of both the reserve

    Finance/Accounting Fundamentals

    Which company is better to purchase and why? A company B company assets 10,000 25,000 cash 2,000 4,000 acct rec 50,000 80,000 equipment 11,000 18,000 supplies 22,000 34,000 total assets 95,000

    Managerial Finance Fundamentals

    11. Bonds are thought to be a nice steady investment, paying a certain amount of interest and then repaying your original investment (usually $1,000) after the bond term is up, usually in 10 to 30 years. If you were buying a bond, which is more important to you, the interest rate or the term length? Explain the positives

    Managerial Finance 476(II): Present value of cash flows

    10. You decided to play the lottery and (congratulations!) you were the only winner of a jackpot valued at $50,000,000. You contact the lottery and they make you the following offer: $25,000,000 today in a lump sum or $2.5 million a year for the next 20 years paid annually at the end of each year. Assume you can get 10% return o

    Managerial Finance 476(II)

    11. Todd Winningham IV has $4,000 to invest. He has been looking at Gallagher Tennis Clubs, Inc., common stock. Gallagher has issued a rights offering to its common stockholders. Six rights plus $38 cash will buy one new share. Gallagher's stock is selling for $50 ex-rights. a. How many rights could Todd buy with his $4,000?

    Managerial Finance 476(II)

    4. The Beasley Corporation has been experiencing declining earnings, but has just announced a 50 percent salary increase for its top executives. A dissident group of stockholders wants to oust the existing board of directors. There are currently 11 directors and 30,000 shares of stock outstanding. Mr. Wright, the president of th

    Online professor's response to: managerial finance

    5. Take the following list of securities and arrange them in order of their priority of claims: Preferred stock Senior debenture Subordinated debenture Senior secured debt Common stock Junior secured debt

    Managerial Finance 476(II)

    Discussion Question 2: The European Union has developed the Euro, not only to create a seamless economy within Europe, but also to compete more effectively with the U.S. and the mighty dollar. Do you think the Euro will rival the dollar, long-term, for financial supremacy? Would you buy investments or products in Euro's rather

    Managerial Finance for Merging Two Companies

    Have you ever been in a company that was acquired (or did the acquiring) or merged with another company? What were the reasons given for the need to acquire/merge? Were the goals/targets met? If you have not been with a company in this situation, what are your thoughts on the potential benefits and pitfalls of acquisitions and m

    Finance : Rate of Benefits

    Teri's annual salary is$17,470. Benefits consist of 1 week paid vacation, 8 paid holidays, 80% of a total health insurance package costing $2100, 3% unemploymnt insurance,6.2% social security,and 1.45% medicare.What is the rate of benefits? a.14.3% b.17.8% c.21.9% d.25.3% e.not given

    Finance : Break-Even Point

    A company manufactures teddy bears.They have total fixed costs of $232,548.996 in the production of bears. The selling price of each bear is $19.16.The variable cost per bear is $15.15. What is the break even point in number of bears? a.60,100 b.61,233 c.32,455 d.57,993 e.not given

    Finance : Break-Even Point

    A company produces glue in 8 ounce tubes. The total fixed costs for the production of the glue are $477,999.50. The variable cost per tube is $0.38, while the selling price is $1.16 per tube.What is the break even point in tubes of glue? a.512,840 b.612,820 c.579,930 d.114,690 e.not given

    Finance : Break-Even Point

    Green plastics manufactures garden tool sets. Total fixed costs are estimated at $64,800. The variable cost per set is $2.95 and the selling price is $8.60. What is the break even point? a.12,000 b.12,876 c.11,469 d.12,820 e. not given

    Finance : Prime Cost of Labeling a Can

    A machine operator stamps labels on sheets of metal that are later made into cans. Each sheet can make 118 cans. The cost per sheet of metal is $10.60. The operator is paid $9.40 per hour and labels 120 sheets per hour. What is the prime cost of labeling 1 can? a.$.0905 b.$.01 c.$.0105 d.$.011 e.not given

    Break-Even Point - Porcelain Figurines

    A company manufactures porcelain figurines. The fixed costs total $124,362.88. The average selling price per figurine is $210.10.The variable cost per bowl is $54.65. What is the break-even point in number of figurines? a.890 b.789 c.684 d.900 e. not given.

    Finance : Salary Increase on Merit

    Bert will receive a promotion next month. He will receive a 12.5% salary increase, a 5.55% cost of living adjustment, and a 6.8% merit increase. What will his new salary be if his present salary is $26,990? a.$34,212.06 b.$30,775.64 c.$33,683.52 d.not given

    Finance : Prime Cost

    Wholesale company produces circuit breaker containers. The machine operator stamps 15 containers from each strip of aluminum. Each strip costs $1.15. The operator can stamp 540 containers per hour. The direct labor charge is $17.85 per hour. What is the prime cost of manufacturing a circuit breaker container? a.$.32 b.$.03 c

    Finance : Percent Defective

    Larry checks 400 samples per hour of calculators produced. The production process is in control if 1% or less are defective. At 6am he found 3 of 400 samples defective. At 7am, he found 6. Then, at 8am, he found 1. What percent were defective at 6 am? b.What percent were defective at 7am?