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    Family Systems Theories of Abnormality

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    Family, work place, and community racial discrimination

    Can you help me with some examples of a racial incidents pertaining to each; family, work place, and community, why you believe each would be racial discrimination, and how each situation could have been handled to avoid discrimination against those belonging to another race.

    Personality Qualities and Family Dynamics

    What are the personality qualities and family dynamics of individuals who are most likely to exhibit anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and/or obesity? Do you see any similarities or differences in the cause of these eating problems? What are they?

    dysfunctional family setting

    What do you think happens in a dysfunctional family setting that contaminates a kid's core development? For example, their personality development or things like confidence, etc?

    Rational Choice Crime Explanation and Control Strategies. Specific examination of mother's killing of her own children- how does Rational Choice Theory explain and attempt to prevent this phenomenon.

    Original Student Inquiry: A woman was recently arrested for drowning all four of her children. Her defense team suggested that she was depressed and had no idea what she was doing at the time of the crime. How is criminal behavior explicable according to rational choice theory? What crime control strategies are effective

    Family Systems Chart

    When working with a family, what is the benefit of creating a family systems chart? How can the chart be utilized with the client?

    Family Processes and Adolescent Delinquency

    Please help with the following problem regarding family processes and adolescent delinquency. What is the link between family experiences and delinquency in adolescents? Discuss briefly.