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    Special Relativity

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    Special Relativity problems

    Two events in reference frame S occur 10 *(10^-6) s apart at the same point in space. The distance between the two events is 2400 m S'. 1. What is the time interval between the events in reference frame S'? 2. What is the velocity of S' relative to S? Hi. I've been trying to solve the above question for quite some time

    Distances between events in different frames

    (See attached file for full problem description with symbols and diagram) Two events are observed in a frame of reference S to occur at the same space point, with the second event occurring after a time of 1.70 . In a second frame S' moving relative to S, the second event is observed to occur after a time of 2.25 . What is

    Special relativity - length contraction, time dilation, relativistic velocity

    When Time Flies...It Runs More Slowly Learning Goal: To understand length contraction and time dilation. In classical physics, and in your everyday experience, lengths and times seem to be the same no matter who measures them. In fact, the notion that lengths or time intervals might be different depending on who measures t

    Special theory of relativity

    Suppose the speed of light were infinite, what would happen to the Special Theory of Relativity (length contraction, time dilation and Lorentz transforms)?

    Inertial observer O´ moves at speed v.

    A.1 Inertial observer O´ moves at speed v in the negative z-direction with respect to inertial observer O. Write down the relationship between the sets of coordinates used by the two different observers. A.2 A rocket moves at speed 4c/5 towards the earth. It fires a miss