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    Particles and Dimensions

    1. We saw in class that a 3-dimensional ideal gas obeys pV = 3/2E, where p is the pressure, V is the volume, and E is the internal energy (average kinetic energy). Derive the corresponding formula for a two-dimensional ideal gas, i.e. a collection of noninteracting particles that moves on a plane. (Hint: suppose a two-dimensiona

    One-Dimensional Parity Operator

    The one dimensional parity operator (pie) is defined by attached. in other wards (phi) changes x into -x everywhere in the function (a) is it a Hermitian operator? (b) For what potentials V(x), is it possible to find a set of wave functions which are high eign- functions of the parity operator in solution of the one-dimen

    Transmission coefficients of a 1D particle in delta potentials

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- 4. A particle of mass m, with energy E>0, is moving in the potential V(x) = g a. Write down the solution of the Schrodinger equation in all three regions (x<a, -a<x<a, x>a) for this situation. Assume that the particle is incident from the left. b. Write down th

    Kinetic and potential energy of harmonic oscillator, virial

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- 1. Consider a particle moving in a harmonic oscillator potential V(x) = ½ kx2. A solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation is cn n(x)*e -i * E(n) * t / h-bar where the n are harmonic oscillator energy eigenstates. a. Calculate the energy expec

    Boron Ionization & Energy fromula

    See attached One isotope of beryllium Be undergoes beta minus decay with a half life of around 14 seconds, and thus creates a Boron atom. The boron atom is now ionized by removing several electrons such that it can be described as a 'hydrogen like' boron ion. State how many electrons it now contains and the symbol for this i