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    Relative Velocity

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    Actual speed of a car

    A police officer w/a radar gun is parked 20 feet off of the highway. The radar gun reads 75 mph when the car is 100 feet from the police car (as measured along the highway). what is the actual speed of the car? I'm not sure how to set up the problem. Will the actual speed be less than or greater than 75? What does the probl

    Systems of particles

    Please help with this attached question. A particle of mass m is moving with speed u.....

    Relative velocity dimensions

    A motorboat going downstream overcome a raft at a point A; t = 60 min later it turn back and after some time passed the raft at a distance 6.0 km from the point A. Find the flow velocity assuming the duty of the engine to be constant.

    Finding angular and relative velocity

    Please see the attachments. In solving use the coriolis accel concept and i j k vector coordinates. 15.148 and 15.149 Pin P is attached to the wheel shown and slides in a slot cut in bar BD. The wheel rolls to the right without slipping with a constant angular velocity of 20 rad/s. Knowing that x = 480 mm when theta = 0, d

    Block sliding without friction in a rotating arm.

    A 1.2-lb block B slides without friction inside a slot cut in arm OA which rotates in a vertical plane at a constant rate, theta = 2 rad/s. At the instant when theta = 30 degrees, r = 2 ft and the force exerted on the block by the arm is zero. Determine, at this instant, (a) the relative velocity of the block with respect to the

    Relative motion problem

    How can I solve this problem below: At t=0, wedge A starts moving to the right with a constant acceleration of 100 mm/s^2 and block B starts moving along the wedge toward the left with a constant acceleration of 150 mm/s^2 relative to the wedge. Determine the acceleration of block B. The answer for verification is 80.7 mm

    Calculating the maximum velocity of a jet ski

    The ski boat's jet propulsive system draws water in at point A (at the middle of the bottom of the boat) and expels it at B (at back of boat) at 80ft/s relative to the boat. Assume that the water drawn in enters with no horizontal velocity relative to the surrounding water. The maximum mass flow rate of water through the engin

    Calculating the time it takes for two runners

    It's a sunny Sunday afternoon, about 17 degrees and you are walking around a lake enjoying the early signs of spring. The sidewalk is crowded with runners and walkers. You notice a runner approaching you wearing a t-shirt with writing on it. You read the first two lines, but are unable to read the third and final line before he