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    Conservation Laws

    A conservation law states that a particular measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves. The physical result concerning conservation laws is Noether’s theorem. This theorem states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between conservation laws and differentiable symmetries of physical systems.

    Exact laws are conservation laws that are said to be more precise and never been shown to be violated. A list of exact laws is as followed
    - Conservation of mass-energy
    - Conservation of linear momentum
    - Conservation of angular momentum
    - Conservation of electric charge
    - Conservation of color charge
    - Conservation of weak isospin
    - Conservation of probability
    - CPT symmetry
    - Lorentz symmetry

    Approximate conservation laws are approximately true in particular situations. These situations can be low speeds or short time scales.
    - Conservation of mass
    - Conservation of baryon number
    - Conservation of lepton number
    - Conservation of flavor
    - Conservation of parity
    - Invariance under time reversal
    - CP symmetry

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    BrainMass Categories within Conservation Laws

    Conservation of Energy

    Solutions: 177

    The total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time.

    Angular Momentum

    Solutions: 161

    When no external torques act on an object or a closed system, no changes to the angular momentum can occur.

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