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    Colours come from light interacting with eye light receptors. Colour is the visual attribute of objects. The study of colour is referred to as chromatics. This study includes the humans ability to see colour, the origin of colour in materials, colour theory and the physics of radiation in the human visible range. 

    Most light sources are mixtures of various wavelengths of light. Many sources can produce a spectral of colours as the eye cannot distinguish them from single wavelength sources. Most human colour perception can be created by mixing a combination of three colours called primaries. These colours are red, yellow, and blue.

    Colour Wavelength interval Frequency Interval
    red ~ 700-635 nm ~ 430-480 THz
    orange ~ 635-590 nm ~ 480-510 THz
    yellow ~ 590-560 nm ~ 541-540 THz
    green ~ 560-490nm ~ 540-610 THz
    blue ~ 490-450 nm ~ 610-670 THz
    purple ~ 450-400 nm ~ 670-750 THz
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