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    How do you find the area between curves

    Using the Riemann sum formula: A = ∫ [f(x) - g(x)]dx from a to b Find the area between y=1/2sec²t and y= -4sin²t between the points π∕3 and - π∕3 Please show a detailed solution. Thank you.

    Riemann Sum Area Between Two Curves

    Using the Riemann sum formula: A = ∫ [f(x) - g(x)]dx from a to b Find the area between y=e^x/2 and y=e^x Between the x values of 2ln2 and zero.

    Multiple Integration in Cartesian Coordinates

    Please see the attached file for the full problem description. --- 1. Transform the given integral in Cartesian coordinates to one in polar coordinates and evaluate the polar integral. : refer to integral 5. 2. Determine the values of the given integrals, where W is the region bounded by the two spheres x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = a^

    Polar Coordinates and Change Order of Integration; Volume

    Assuming r, θ are the polar coordinates, change the order of integration: ∫-pi/2-->pi/2 ∫0-->a cos θ f(r, θ ) dr dθ Find the volume of the ellipsoid: x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 ≤ 1 Let a and b be any numbers such that a^2 + b^2 =1 and f(x,y) be a continuous function of one variable. Perform the change of

    Evaluate the Definite Integrals

    ∫(pi/2 to 0) sin^4(x) dx -- do not use reduction forumulas use 1-cos2u/2=sin^2x ∫3x^3/sqrt(8-x^2) dx Integrate, integration

    Evaluate the Integrals (4 Problems)

    Evaluate each of the following integrals: 1. ∫0-->2 6/(5x+2) dx 2. ∫1-->3 e^(-0.4t) dt 3..... 4.... Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Integrate, Integration

    Reversing Order of Integration and Sums of Iterated Integrals

    Problem 1 and 2: Sketch the region of integration, reverse the order of integration, and evaluate both iterated integrals. ∫0-->2 ∫0-->4-y2 x dx dy ∫0-->pi/2 ∫0-->cosx sin x dy dx Problem 3: When you reverse the order of integration, you should obtain a sum of iterated integrals. Make the reversals and

    Integration of Region Bounded by Plane

    F(x,y,z)=y ; W is the region bounded by the plane x+y+z=2, the cylinder x^2 + z^2 = 1, and y=0. Integrate the given function over the indicated region W.

    Changing the Order of Integration and Finding the Volume

    1. Using the integral ∫-1-->1 ∫x^2-->1 ∫0-->1-y dz dy dx a) Sketch the region of integration. Write the integral as an equivalent iterated integral in the order: b) dy dz dx c) dx dz dy d) dz dx dy 2. Find the volume of a wedge cut from the cylinder x^2 +y^2 =1 by planes z=-y and z=0. Please show me t

    Integral of a Function

    I have a function (see attached). I need to integrate it over m from - infinity to infinity, h from - infinity to infinity. I need to apply a technique such that the integral takes a simple form, easy for integration. The main problem here as you can see is product of terms in the denominator. See the attached file.

    Inverse Trigonometric Functions, and Derivatives

    7.5 Inverse trigonometric functions Find the exact value of the expression. 1) sin^-1 (SQRT3 / 2) 2) arctan(-1) 3) tan^-1 (SQRT 3) 4) cos^-1 (-1) 5) csc^-1 (2) 6) arcsin(-1/ (SQRT 2) 7) sec^-1 (SQRT 2) 8) arccos(cos 2pi) 9) tan^-1 (tan 3pi/4) 10) cos(arcsin ½) 11) sin(2 tan^-1 SQRT 2) 12) cos(tan^-1 (2) + tan

    Trigonometric Integrals and Integrate by Substitution

    Evaluate the integral 1) ∫ (sin^3 (x)) (cos^2 (x)) dx 2) ∫ ( sin^4 (x)) (cos^5 (x)) dx 3) ∫ ( sin^6 (x)) (cos^3 (x)) dx 4) ∫ ( sin^3 (mx)) dx 5) ∫ (from 0 to pi/2 on top) (cos^2 (theta)) dtheta 6) ∫ (from 0 to pi/2 on top) (sin^2 (2theta)) dtheta 7) ∫ (from 0 to pi on top) (sin^4 (3t)) dt 8) ∫ (from 0

    Integration by Substitution Results

    Please and explain and solve the following: 13. Find the indefinite integral and check the result by differentiation. Integral: x^2(x^3 - 1)^4 dx Answer: (x^3 - 1)^5/15 + C 130. Find the indefinite integral in two ways. Explain any difference in the forms of the answers. Integral: sin x cos x dx

    Area between two curves

    I am confused as to how to solve this. Please show all steps. f(x)=1/2sec²t g(x)=-4sin²t limits: a=π/3, b=-π/3

    Area between two curves

    I am not sure about the solution. Please show all steps. f(x)=e^x/2 g(x)=e^-x/2 limits: a=0, b=2ln2

    Area between two curves

    I am not sure how to solve this. Please show all steps. F(x)=ln2x G(x)=lnx Limits: a=1 and b=5


    Please show all steps to solve: domain: 1/2≤t≤1 ∫6dt∕√(3+4t-4t²)

    Inverse trig integration

    The question asks if both of these integrations can be correct and why/why not? a) ∫dx / √1 - x² = -∫-dx/ √1-x² = -cos‾¹x + C b) ∫dx / √1 - x² = ∫-du/√(1 - (-u)²) x = -u dx= -du = ∫-du/√1- u² = cos‾¹u + C u= -x = cos‾¹(-x) + C