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    Literature & Arts

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    Poetic techniques

    Can you please explain what the relationship between language and content is and the language the poets use. Can you please explain what the theme of the poem is? Also can you please explain what the specific poetic techniques utilized are in this peom? Thank you for your time.

    Setting and the action

    Can you please explain in "The Man to Send Rain Clouds" by Leslie Silko how the setting is communicated, and how the setting and the action of the story relate.

    Diagram Sentences for Prepositional Phrases

    Diagram these sentences that include prepositional phrases 1. Edward Frost made famous rug patterns and sold them along the New England roads. 2. These old rugs were useful and beautiful to the eye. 3. During the nineteenth century, rug making was popular. I was having trouble with these 3.

    The Boundaries of Cross-Dressing

    Cross dressing has been a large topic within the "crossing gender-boundaries" discussion of recent years. This job offers suggested literature.

    Words to Describe Tone

    I have been asked to comment on the tone of a piece, and I'm not sure where to start. What does one say about tone?

    Examining the transition from Old to Middle English is achieved.

    The transition from Old to Middle English is a huge topic. The only way in which it can be effectively tackled in a single paper is to take the central premise and make reference to one, specific feature. In this case the example will be the changing figure of Christ.

    Advice about Modern Theory Permeates

    How should I apply a modern theory to a text which was written before the theory came into being. What factors should be considered when writing a paper on this topic? How can structure help to form a coherent argument out of many seperate issues?