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    Meteorology, in the most basic sense, is the study of the atmosphere. Meteorology explains the observed weather events which are known as meteorological phenomena. The events are bound by the variables that exist in the Earth’s atmosphere - temperature, air pressure and water vapor, with the gradients and interactions of each variable susceptible to change with time. The different spatial scales determine how systems on local, regional and global levels impact weather and climatology are studied.

    The origins of meteorology can be traced back to ancient India. The Upanishads contain discussion about the processes of cloud formation, rain and the seasonal cycles caused by the movement of earth around the sun. In 350 BC, Aristotle wrote Meteorology and he is considered to be the founder of meteorology.

    Meteorologists are scientists who study meteorology. Meteorologists are most commonly known for forecasting the weather. Many radio and television weather forecasters are professional meteorologists, while others are just reporters with no formal meteorological training. Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location. 



    Title Image Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / flickr.com

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