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    Writing Pseudocode Statements With Different Variables

    1. Suppose myCar is the name of a class variable that references an object, and go is the name of a method. (The go method does not take any arguments.) Write a pseudocode statement that uses the myCar variable to call the method. 2. In pseudocode, write the first line fo the definition for a Poodle class. The class should ex

    Three Simple Pseudocode Examples

    Write a pseudocode statement that generates a random number in the range of 1 through 100 and assigns it to a variable named rand. Design a function named timesTen that accepts an Integer argument. When the function is called, it should return the value of its argument multiplied times 10. Design a function named getFirst

    A C program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

    Program (code.c) & (codev2.c) to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. Simplistic, DOS based so that I may digest and learn. Program 1: Ask the user to input a Fahrenheit temperature, as a decimal number. Make clear what the user should enter, for example, "enter a whole number" or "please use the format xxx.xx.". Get the temperat

    Java code translated into pseudo-code

    Public class testOperators { public static void main(String[] args) { int x; int y = 12 double z = 13.0; x = 14 System.out.println("x + y + z = " + (x + y +z)); x += y; y--; z++; z *= x; System.out.println("x + y + z = " + (x + y + z)); } }

    Creating an IPO chart for a simple problem

    A contractor needs a program that calculates and displays the volume of a rectangular pool of constant depth. Complete an IPO chart for this problem. Use pseudocode in the Processing column.

    Decisions Structure and Pseudocode

    Use a decision structure to test a variable, the user enters, and see whether it is greater or less than 50, and display to the user which one it is. Flow Chart: Create a flowchart for the above Also need the Pseudocode.

    Pseudocode - Driving a Car

    Driving a Car ? Write a short, structured design (pseudocode) that accomplishes this task. ? Think about this task in an object-oriented way, and identify the objects involved in the task. ? Identify how you can encapsulate the data and processes you identified into an objectoriented design. ? Describe the architectural di

    Pseudocode Codes and The Top-Down Modular Approach

    For each of the following problems, use the top-down modular approach and pseudocode to design a suitable program to solve it. 1. Input names of students from the user, terminated by ZZZ, and create a data file GRADES with records of the form: student (string), test1 (integer), test2 (integer), test3 (integer) In this file,

    Object oriented data and processes

    I need assistance so I can write an object-oriented design for a system that keeps tracks of CD and DVD collection. I need the classes, associated data, and operations for the classes. Also, the pseudocode for each of the classes.

    Object-Oriented Design

    Generate an object-oriented design for a system that keeps tracks of your CD and DVD collection. ? Identify each of the classes, associated data, and operations for the classes. ? Generate the pseudocode for each of the classes as demonstrated on p. 251. ? Draw a GUI that will create the objects and provide access to each obj

    Top-down Modular Approach and Pseudocode

    Provide the analysis and pseudocode only (no diagrams are required). For each of the following problems, use the top-down modular approach and pseudocode to design a suitable program to solve it. 1. Input names of students from the user, terminated by ZZZ, and create a data file GRADES with records of the form: student

    Pseudocodes, Arrays, and Loops

    Enhance the pseudocode in the attachment by using arrays and loops. Also, instead of hardcoding the product names within the program, ask the user to enter the product names in addition to the prices. You can use char array products[5][40] and float array prices[5] to store the names and prices respectively (use "char products[6

    Compute the Unit Price for Products Sold Using Pseudocode

    The following problem can be solved by a program that performs three basic tasks: Input Data, Process Data, and Output Results. Use a pseudocode to design a suitable program for solving it. The manager of the Super Supermarket would like to be able to compute the unit price for products sold there. To do this, the program sho

    Writing Pseudocode for Computing Values

    Suppose you are asked to compute the value of b^n for n, a large nonnegative integer. The simple solution is to compute the product b x b x ... x b involved n - 1 multiples. This takes time theta(n). Give a divide and conquer algorithm for the same problem that takes time theta(log(n)). you should state that the algorithm using

    Payroll Program

    Create a non-GUI based Java application that calculates weekly pay for an employee. The application should display text that requests the user input the name of the employee, the hourly rate, and the number of hours worked for that week. The application should then print out the name of the employee and the weekly pay amount. I

    Common Task in Pseudocode with Data and Processes

    Identify a task you perform regularly, such as cooking, mowing the lawn, or driving a car. ? Write a short, structured design (pseudocode only) that accomplishes this task. ? Think about this task in an object-oriented way, and identify the objects involved in the task. ? Identify how you can encapsulate the data and process

    Shell Script to Convert Students Marks to Grades

    Also I am trying to append my newly created PS1 Command Prompt to a file how do I do that? Please also Provide the step by step instructions so that I too can try and do these exercises. Project 6-4 In this project, you will convert pseudo code that uses a decision structure into a shell script. The script then will accep

    Linux Shell Script to Compute the Bonus for a Salesperson

    Convert the following pseudocode into a Bash script: - Read SalesPerson and QuarterlySales from the keyboard. - Display an appropriate message regarding the bonus when the QuarterlySales for the SalesPerson falls within these ranges: $1,000,000 and above : Bonus = $1,500 $100,000 to $999,999 : Bonus = $750 $9

    Pseudocode Examples

    Task: Using the pseudocode for the program, you identify the aspects of the program that can be reusable (identified for you in 1 - 5) and write/rewrite it so it can be reused. This is what needs to be done: You rewrite your pseudocode to implement this reusable code. 1. I WOULD LIKE PSEUDOCODE FOR THE SPECIFIC 5 CODES THAT

    Need help with Algorithm to determine if an Array contains Unique ElementsEnter

    I need to determine if my array is unique and in ascending order. I've got the ascending order part figured out but am not sure that I'm doing the unique part correctly. Could you check my pseudocode to see if I have it right? I not, please give me direction on how to do this. Enter Read N SUB = 0 VALID_TABLE = 'Yes'

    Hierarchy Chart

    Your local community college is seeking your help to develop a hierarchy chart. The college administrator provides you with the following information. Students with less than 16 hours of coursework are considered freshmen, students with 17 to 32 hours are sophomores, students with 33 to 48 hours are juniors, and students with mo

    Design a Flowchart and Write a Pseudocode for a Problem

    See the attached file for the full problem. 1. Design the flowchart and write the pseudocode for the following problem. The Literary Honor Society needs a list of students who are English major, have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher and have completed 45 or more credit hours. The student record file includes the fol