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    Investment pools

    Explain the difference between an internal cash and investments pool and an external cash and investment pool and describe some of the differences in accounting treatment between the two. Note: Cite the sources

    Finance Objectives

    46. A firm has an issue of $1,000 par value bonds with a 12 percent stated interest rate outstanding. The issue pays interest annually and has 10 years remaining to its maturity date. If bonds of similar risk are currently earning 8 percent, the firm's bond will sell for _________ today. (a) $1,000 (b) $805.20 (c) $851.50 (

    Finance Questions

    1. Published financial statements are historical. If so, how can they be used to forecast the future? 2. Discuss the interlocking connections among the three primary financial statements and explain why conventional reporting of financial information does not provide complete information upon which financial decisions can b

    Sustainable Growth: Total Asset Turnover

    Assuming the following ratios are constant, what is the sustainable growth rate? Total Asset Turnover = 1.80 Profit Margin = 7.2% Equity Multiplier = 2.15 Payout Ratio = 30% I am just not understanding how to do this. The book shows a ROE #, but I don't know how to get that.

    Short Finance Problem: Loan Repayment

    Your father has a mortgage loan on the family home that was made several years ago when interest rates were lower. The loan has a current balance of $40,000 & will be paid off in 20 years by paying $330 per month. He discussed paying off the loan ahead of schedule w/ an officer of the bank holding the mortgage. The bank is willi

    Financial Ratios

    I need to identify four financial ratios and state what they tell me about a firm and why it's important to understand what they mean to a bank or an investor. I need to include reasoning. I am not discussing overall categories such as Liquidity, Activity, Debt, Profitability and Market Ratios. I need to discuss specifics w

    Impact on share price

    What is the likely impact on the share price of a company (assuming all other variables remain unchanged) arising from the following independent events: 1. the company's beta increases 2. the company's required rate of return decreases 3. the expected dividend to be paid next year from the company decreases 4. the rate of gr

    Budgeting for Strategic Planning

    Part A: How are strategic planning, capital budgeting, and operations budgeting different? What are the advantages of budgeting? Why are budgets usually prepared for one year? Part B: What is a master budget? Why does the accuracy of the entire master budget depend on a reliable sales forecast?

    Conduct a break even analysis and can one be done

    How do you conduct a break even analysis and can one be done with the following information, using the numerical calculations break-even analysis? A County Sheriff's Department sells its products (officers) to contract cities at a cost of $197,000 per officer. Each officer works 40 hours per week. The contract city purchase

    Finance - Introduction to Corporate Finance

    Introduction to Corporate Finance - (Cash Conversion, Inventory, and Receivables Management) 4. What aspects must managers consider when deciding on a trade credit policy for the firm? 6. What factors should managers consider when determining the company's collection policy?

    Effective Annual Rate: C++ Notes

    C++ Notes is booming, and it needs to raise more capital. The company purchases supplies from a single supplier on terms of 1/10, net 20 days, and it currently takes the discount. One way of getting the needed funds would be to forgo the discount, and C++'s owner believes she could delay payment to 40 days without adverse effect

    Finance Questions: Debt/Equity Ratio

    1) What are the debt/equity ratio and the debt ratio for a firm with total debt of $700,000 and equity of $300,000? 2) A firm with sales of $500,00 has average inventory of $200,000. The industry average for inventory turnover is four times a year. What would be the reduction in inventory if this firm were to achieve a turnov

    Total & Annual Cost

    1. Total Cost: An oil company arranged a $10,000,000 revolving credit agreement with a group of small banks. The firm paid an annual commitment fee of one-half of one percent of the unused balance of the loan commitment. On the used portion of the loan, it paid 1.5 percent above prime for the funds actually borrowed on an annual

    How to Calculate the Earnings per Share of Common Stock

    Abc Company's net income last year was $550,000. The company has 150,000 shares of common stock and 50,000 shares of preferred stock outstanding. There was no change in the number of common or preferred shares outstanding during the year. The company declared and paid dividends last year of $1.20 per share on the common stock an

    Financial Ratio Analysis Report

    A. Using the included attachment, JC Penney 3 year trend table of all financial ratios included under the following four categories of ratios (Liquidity, Efficiency, Leverage, and Profitability). Include a brief rationale for each ratio you have calculated. Also present in the table the industry average for each ratio. b. Co

    Cost Scheduling

    You are a project manager in the marketing department for a county funded hospital. The hospital is launching an extensive public service program for cardiac health. The program will involve print ads in local newspapers, television spots, posters at local eateries and health clubs, and sponsorship of events at the county fair.

    Accounting Questions

    9. The Bohne Company produces chocolate candies. The chocolates sell for $12 per box. Annually, the company produces 10,000 boxes of chocolates and sells 9,000 boxes of the candies. The company's cost information includes the following: Direct materials $2.00 per unit Direct labor $3.00 per unit Fixed manufacturing ov

    Finance Questions - Risk

    1. What are the types of risk factors that a company faces? 2. If risk aversion cannot explain why firms choose to hedge, then what are their motivations?

    Determine unit cost for products

    A Company has used a two-stage cost allocation system for many years. In the first stage, plant overhead costs are allocated to two production departments, P1 and P2 based on machine hours. In the second stage, the company uses direct labor hours to assign overhead costs from the production departments to individual products A

    Underwriting Due Diligence

    Before entering a formal agreement, investment bankers carefully investigate the companies whose securities they underwrite; this is especially true of the issues of firms going public for the first time. Since the bankers do not themselves plan to hold the securities but intend to sell them to others as soon as possible, why a

    Ownership and Control of Corporations

    1. It is frequently stated that the primary purpose of the preemptive right is to allow individuals to maintain their proportionate share of the ownership and control of a corporation. a. How important do you suppose this consideration is for the average stockholder of a firm whose shares are traded on the New York or American

    Finance/Accounting Problem - Amortizing Loan

    You take out a 30-year $100,000 mortgage loan with an APR of 6 percent and monthly payments. In 12 years you decide to sell your house and pay off the mortgage. What is the principal balance on the loan?

    Money - Methods of Payment

    As a small business owner, with a storefront and Internet site, you must decide what method of payment you are willing to accept for your products and services. Discuss what methods of payment you are willing to accept and the benefits and risks associated with each one. Are you willing to accept the same payment methods at

    Determining a Firm's Stock Price per Share

    After applying the corporate valuation model, the value of a firm's operations is found to be $400 million. The balance sheet shows $20 million in short-term investments that are not related to operations. The balance sheet also shows $50 million in accounts payable, $90 million in notes payable, $30 million in long-term debt,

    Finance/Accounting Problem

    18. Bond Prices and Yields. a. Several years ago, Castles in the Sand, Inc., issued bonds at face value at a yield to maturity of 7 percent. Now, with 8 years left until the maturity of the bonds, the company has run into hard times and the yield to maturity on the bonds has increased to 15 percent. What has happened to the

    Finance : Bond Pricing and Bond Yields

    4. Bond Pricing. A 6-year Circular File bond pays interest of $80 annually and sells for $950. What is its coupon rate, current yield, and yield to maturity? 5. Bond Pricing. If Circular File (see question 4) wants to issue a new 6-year bond at face value, what coupon rate must the bond offer? 6. Bond Yields. An AT&T

    Loans and payments

    21. Loan Payments. If you take out an $8,000 car loan that calls for 48 monthly payments at an APR of 10 percent, what is your monthly payment? What is the effective annual interest rate on the loan? (Using the excel PMT function) 36. Amortizing Loan. You take out a 30-year $100,000 mortgage loan with an APR of 6 percent and

    Finance Ratio Discussion

    Given these statements, compute any 5 of the following 12 ratios for 200X: a. Long Term Debt Ratio b. Total Debt Ratio c. Times Interest Earned d. Cash Coverage Ratio e. Current Ratio f. Quick Ratio g. Operating Profit Margin h. Inventory Turns I. Days in Inventory j. Average Collection Period k. Return on Equity l

    Companies Cross Listing Stock

    The internationalization of capital markets suggests that the world is moving toward an integrated, global capital market (and away from segmented domestic markets). Currently, multinational firms often list their stocks on foreign stock exchanges, an activity referred to as cross listing. For example, Sony cross-lists its Japan