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    Financial Plan and Cash Flow Statement

    You are CFO for your company and you have been given the task of financial planning for a new product to increase corporate earnings per share. Goal is to maximize shareholder wealth of your product. Use equity and debt financing to obtain $10,000,000 of budgeted funds for development of the product. 1) Create a ca

    Business and Finance - Mixture Problems

    The manager of Nutt's Nuts regularly sells cashews for $6.50 per pound, pecans for $7.50 per pound, and peanuts for $2.00 per pound. How many pounds of cashews and pecans should be mixed with 40 lbs of peanuts to obtain a mixture of 100lbs that will sell for $4.89 a pound so that the revenue is unchanged?

    Business and Finance - Mixture..

    A store sells almonds fo $6 a pound, cashews for $5 a pound, and peanuts for $2 a pound. One week the manager decides to prepare 100 16-ounce packages of nuts by mixing 40 pounds of peanuts with some almonds and cashews. Each package will be sold for $4. How many pounds of almonds and cashews should be mixed with the peanuts so

    Business and Finance - Word Problems

    Please help with the following finance problems. (1) A grocery store sells peanuts for $3.20 per pound and cashews for $8 per pound. The grocer wants to make 100 pounds of a mixture of peanuts and cashews that can be sold for $4.40 per pound. How many pounds of each type of nut should the grocer use? (2) At a refreshment

    Expected Return and Standard Deviation Alternatives

    Please see the attached file. Problem 1 The risk and return profiles of Assets P and Q are given below along with the assigned probability of distributions. Economy Probability Possible Returns on P Possible Returns on O Boom .20 .19 .15 Normal .60 .15 .11 Recession .20 -.04 .05 a. Compute the expected return and

    Need help answer these finance questions

    1- What is the future value for $1000 compounded annually using each of variable below? Number of years Interest Rate 5 3.0% 15 12.0% 7 5.0% 2- What is the present value of the following amounts? Amount to be received in (n) years

    Common equity/debt equity financing

    Moon and Chittenden are considering a new internet venture to sell used textbooks. The project requires $300,000 in financing. Two alternatives have been proposed: Plan 1 (Common equity financing). Sell 30,000 shares of stock at a net price of $10 a share. Plan 2 (Debt equity financing). Sell a combination of 15,000 sha

    Determine Walters' Annual Financing Cost

    Walters Manufacturing Company has been approached by a commercial paper dealer offering to sell an issue of commercial paper for the firm. The dealer indicates that Walters could sell a $5 million issue maturing in 182 days at an interest rate of 6 percent per annum (deducted in advance). The fee to the dealer for selling the is

    Case Problem of Financial Management

    Sam Huang is the owner of a business. Meanwhile he is examining the potential for the company's expansion. Currently, his company has a bond issue outstanding with a face value of $25 million that is due in one year. Covenants associated with this bond issue prohibit the issuance of any additional debt. This restriction means th

    Define preferred stock and contrast it to common stock

    Why is preferred stock referred to as "preferred"? What are some of the features that are added to preferred stock to make it more attractive to investors? Would you select preferred stock or common stock as an investment? Why?

    Means, medians and modes.

    Find the median of each set of numbers. #14. 1, 4, 9, 15, 25, 36 Find the mode of each set of numbers. #18. 41, 43, 56, 67, 69, 72 #20. 9, 8, 10, 9, 9, 10, 8 Solve the following applications. 24. Statistics. A salesperson drove 238, 159, 87, 163, and 198 miles (mi) on a 5-day trip. What was the mean number of miles d

    Optimal capital structure and changes to cost of capital

    See attached file 3. A firm's current balance sheet is as follows: Assets $100 Debt $10 Equity $90 a. What is the firm's weighted-average cost of capital at various combinations of debt and equity, given the following information? Debt/Assets

    Calculate the need for external financing

    Is this statement correct: If a firm with a positive net worth is operating its fixed assets at full capacity, if its dividend payout ratio is 100%, and if it wants to hold all financial ratios constant, then for any positive growth rate in sales, it will require external financing. Please justify your argument.

    Health Economics

    Scenario: Cactus Health, Inc. is a large healthcare system in Sun City, Arizona, with several lines of business, including health care service delivery as well as performing as a managed care organization with the Medicare business. Cactus Health, Inc. has been in existence for twelve years. The corporation began when a smal

    Finance Problem: Calculate the Present Value break-even point for High Flight

    Niko has purchased a brand new machine to produce its High Flight line of shoes. The machine has an economic life of five years. The depreciation schedule for the machine is straightline with no salvage value. The machine costs $300,000. The sales price per pair of shoes is $60, while the variable cost is $8. $100,000 of fixed c

    Personal Finance-

    Please answer this questions: Joe won a lottery jackpot that will pay him $12,000 each year for the next ten years. If the market interest rates are currently 12%, how much does the lottery have to invest today to pay out this prize to Joe over the next ten years? Mary just deposited $33,000 in an account paying 10% interes

    Accounting - income statement

    1.Smith Company has been producing and selling 100,000 units per year. They have excess capacity. The following budget was prepared for the next year: Selling price per unit $12.50 Variable cost per unit: Direct materials $5.00 Direct labor 3.00 Overhead 1.00 Selling and administrative .25 Fixed costs in

    Management Accounting - Cost Analysis

    Nelson Company manufactures running shoes. The selling price per pair of shoes (one unit) averages $80 and variable costs per pair are $47.50. The sales volume of $776,000 produces $100,750 of net income before taxes. Required: a. Compute total variable costs. b. Compute total fixed costs c. Compute the break-even

    Stock Value

    Best Buy pays a constant quarterly dividend of $.35 per share. How much am I willing to pay for one share if I require a 9 percent rate of return?

    Psychological biases and the Stock Market

    In, 1999, the S&P returned 21 percent, closing out a streak of five consecutive stellar up-years. Then in 2000, the S&P 500 returned -9.1 percent. In 2001, the S&P500 returned -16.1 percent. At the end of 2001, Wall Street strategists who were interviewed by Barron's forecast that the S&P would increase by 21 percent in 2002. In

    Sunk costs

    Are sunk costs ever relevant for decision-making purposes?

    Expected rate of return and risk for a security: Carter, Inc

    Carter, Inc., is evaluating a security. One-year Treasury bills are currently paying 9.1 percent. Calculate the investment's expected return and its standard deviation. Should Carter invest in this security? PROBABILITY RETURN .15 6% .30 9% .4