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    Darwin and Evolution

    In pea plants, the allele for yellow pods is recessive to the allele for green pods. If you cross a heterozygous, green pod-producing plant with a yellow pod-producing plant, what will be the ratios of phenotypes and genotypes among their offsprings?

    Species diversity: develop a hypothesis about beak size in finches

    A group of researchers spent 8 years in the Galapagos Islands measuring beaks, observing feeding behavior, and measuring rainfall in a population of a particular species of Darwin's finch. They found that this species eats only small seeds and that its beak enables the bird to crack and eat such seeds quickly and efficiently. Th

    Early Homo genuses more successful than Australopithecus

    What major differences allowed the early Homo genuses of hominids to become more successful than the Australopithecus hominids? A. larger brains B. walked erect C. tool making advancements D. became vegetarians E. A, B, and C

    Evolution - Species Fluidity

    In what ways are species more "fluid" than even 20th century biologists might have believed? To what extent was Darwin's description of species as "convenient constructions" accurate? Are species real?

    Classification and Evolution of Life

    Angiosperms (flowering plants) are the largest Phylum in the plant kingdom (Angiospermophyta is also called Anthophyta or Magnoliophyta). These plants have true roots, stems, leaves and flowers. The roots grow into the soil to anchor the plant in place and take up water and nutrients. The leaves are above ground and act as the m

    Evolution and Heredity

    Part I: Imagine you have a friend who is getting married and plans on starting a family right away. She asks your advice about preconception genetic screening because she is concerned about the chance that her future children could have cystic fibrosis. Her fiancé has a sister that has cystic fibrosis, and she has a cousin

    Polymorphism in bird populations

    You are investigating the Bmp4 gene, which is involved in beak development, in the Darwin's finch Geospiza fortis. You find a DNA polymorphism, a single-base difference between two alleles at this locus. a) Does this polymorphism necessarily have an effect on the phenotypes of the birds of this species? Justify your answer.

    2 Questions on Life Science

    Natural selection is the key mechanism of evolution and accounts for the commonality and diversity in nature. Can you give a specific example of a successful species and unsuccessful species adapting and not adapting respectively to their environments and why their adaptations or lack of made it so? How can having high level

    Life on earth (biological concepts from the non-science major perspective)

    1. Cite one piece of evidence supporting the theory of evolution. Why does it support evolution? 2. Describe one contributing factor to mass extinction. 3. Describe 2 of the following 3 terms and give an example of each (include the example and the organism to which it belongs): homologous structures, analogous structu


    I need help with question # 2, 5, and 6. For number 5, I need an explaination for the reason for each number and for number 6 I would prefer a chart. 2. The definition of a species varies among different schools of thought, discuss (compare and contrast), two concepts. 5. Using the information you hgave gained, arrange the

    Viral Adaptation in Changing Hosts

    Attached is a review of a paper by Crill et al. (2000) on evolutionary reversals during viral adaptation to changing hosts. It discusses the model system presented in this paper.