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    Sentencing is part of the court procedure which follows a criminal defendant being convicted of or pleading guilty. The judge will decide on the punishment during the sentencing that is appropriate for the crime.¹ There are a variety of different kinds of punishment that may be imposed on a convicted criminal defendant¹:

    • Fines;
    • Short- and long-term jail or prison sentences;
    • Probation;
    • Suspended sentence;
    • Payment of restitution to the victim;
    • Community services;
    • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

    Sentencing takes place almost immediately post-conviction, or when a defendant has pled guilty.¹ For sentencing, a judge will also consider other aspects of the offenders life, such as¹:

    • Their criminal history;
    • The nature of the crime, the manner it was committed, and the impact;
    • The defendant's personal, economic, and social circumstances;
    • Regret or remorse expressed by the defendant.




    1. FindLaw. Sentencing Overview. Retrieved on May 12, 2014, from http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-procedure/sentencing-overview.html

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