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    Hearing, Speech and Language Science

    Hearing, Speech and Language Science investigates the biological, physical and physiological processes of communication. It also explores the psychological and social impacts of communication disorders. Research in this field develops evidence-based methods for diagnosing and treating individuals with speech, language and hearing problems.

    Hearing science develops knowledge about different types of hearing impairments and their effects and determines which individuals are eligible for hearing aids and/or cochlear implants.

    Speech science studies the production, transmission and perception of speech. Speech production involves three processes: respiration, phonation and articulation. Speech is transmitted through sound waves, which are made up of vibrations. Speech perception refers to the understanding of speech. Speech language pathologists can offer rehabilitative services to people with speech related communication disorders, such as difficulties with phonation or articulation.

    Linguistics refers to the scientific study of language. The three broad aspects of linguistics are form, meaning and context. Language is an interplay of sound and meaning. Phonetics refers to the study of language sound, while semantics and pragmatics refer to the study of language meaning. A variety of language related communication disorders, for example comprehension or expression disorders, can require rehabilitative services from speech language pathologists.


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