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    Expert Profile

    Umut Oltulu

    Jan 2005
    Ask me a Question
    • Responses: 1229
    • Library Solutions: 894


    • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University, 2001
    • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, 2004


    • Mathematics
    • Business
    • Statistics
    • Engineering

    Umut's BrainMass Content

    Solution Library

    Managing a Crisis Using PR: Simulation Summary

    I completed the simulation "Managing a Crisis Using PR" and needed to write a summary answering the following questions: Please help me in answering the best way you can!!

    a. What does proactive planning mean?

    b. What feedback mechanism would you develop in this situation?

    c. READ MORE »

    Business / Marketing » 43780

    Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Issues

    Explain how ethical issues differ on a B2C site compared to a B2B site. Please give some specifics and cite your references.

    Explain how legal issues differ on a B2C site compared to a B2B site. Please give some specifics and cite your references.

    Explain how regulatory issues differ on a B2C READ MORE »

    Business / E-Commerce » 67087

    Bead Bar E-Commerce

    Create a boardroom quality presentation for the Bead Bar executives detailing your recommendations for the building of a Bead Bar E-Commerce site. Discuss the following points and be sure to provide reasoning when offering your recommendations.

    1-Define e-business for the Bead Bar. How could they READ MORE »

    Business / E-Commerce » 139726

    International Trade and Comparative Advantage

    International Trade and Comparative Advantage

    For your next white paper for company deployments, you have been asked to write about trade, cost, and price using your work in Acme Mexico as one example.

    Multinational corporations are continually seeking sources of comparative advantage by inve READ MORE »

    Economics / Economic Analysis of Law / Contracts » 58140
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