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    Expert Profile

    Kasim Johar

    Oct 2018
    Ask me a Question
    • Responses: 654
    • Library Solutions: 209


    • MBA, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, 2020
    • BSc, University of Calcutta, 2016


    • Business
    • Economics
    • Social Work

    Kasim's BrainMass Content

    Solution Library

    Ecological model and childhood trauma

    1. Identify how the social worker might have used the ecological model to understand Brandon's situation based on a person-in-environment perspective. Explain the use of the ecological model in this case on micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
    2. Describe strengths that the social worker may have misse READ MORE »

    Social Work / Violence / Domestic/Family Violence » 653874

    Dutch auction for S&S Air

    I need help writing this in-depth finance case analysis. I do understand that this is not an assignment but is notes, ideas, and research from you to provide.

    Read the Case: S&S Air Goes Public

    a. At the end of the discussion, Mark asks Renata about the Dutch auction IPO process. What are the READ MORE »

    Business / Finance / Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) » 650434

    Project management can reduce supply chain risk

    The following link leads to a blog.

    Please provide your answer to the following questions:
    1. Provide and discuss a two key points that you think are the most important from the article. Articulate your READ MORE »

    Business / Business Management » 652820

    Kernel and SWaC

    Discuss how Rumelt's concept of the "kernel" might align with "SMaC" in Great by Choice.

    Business / Business Management » 653643

    Religion and spirituality in social work

    1. As a social worker, would you include spirituality and religion in your initial assessment of Najeeb? Why or why not?

    2. What strategies might you use to ensure that your personal values would not influence your practice with Najeeb? How would these strategies support ethical practice?

    3. H READ MORE »

    Social Work / Health and Mental Health » 654687
    Kasim has 209 solutions available for instant download. View all.

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