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    Utility & Demand

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    Demand Turkey Expert Advice

    Thanksgiving is approaching. It's a holiday in the US where lots of turkey dinners take place. Al's market is contemplating their turkey order for the holiday. Al feels that because of a recent rise in patriotism, that this may be a very high demand turkey year. He believes that there's a 75% chance he could sell 200 turkeys

    Monopoly Regulation Curves

    Cable co: Demand curve for monthly service: P=$37.50 -$0.0005Q.This implies annual demand and marginal revenue curves of: P=$450 -$0.006Q MR=$450-$0.012Q where P is service in dollars and Q is no. of customers served.Total and marginal costs per year(before investment return) are described by the function: TC=$4,275,000+$

    Microeconomic Theory overview

    Consider the problem of maximizing u = (x1x2)2 subject to p1x1 + p2x2 = y. Derive the Marshallian demand functions and the indirect utility function; and confirm that Roy's identity holds.