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    Foreign Relations

    Foreign relations are the relationships between the representations of foreign states or groups and one’s own. The objective of establishing this relationship is to construct and direct foreign policy, which is a state’s chosen tactics of protecting its national interests and obtaining goals in the international milieu.

    Foreign policy is a large component of foreign relations. International trade agreements are an example of foreign policy. The reasoning behind why foreign relations and foreign policies are implemented is for one’s own country to benefit from other countries. New foreign policies were also created to address issues of foreign attacks, such as the September 11th terrorist attacks.

    Many countries implement foreign policy largely in three ways: foreign aid, diplomacy, and the military. A country will offer military aid and economic aid to other countries in order to strengthen their relations with that country, for the purpose of their own foreign policy goals. A country can offer military aid by supplying or trading military equipment, and/or economic aid, which would be by loaning or donating money to improve another country’s economy.

    A country might try to negotiate or discuss foreign policy with other foreign policy makers by acting alone or with other countries. A country may employ their military force in order to attain foreign policy goals.

    Today, many foreign policy actions are demonstrated by the United States because the United States acts as an international forum. To better understand how foreign relations, it is helpful to study the relations between the United States and other countries.

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