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    Intracellular Compartment

    The term intracellular compartment refers to the region which lies inside of the cell membrane and includes all of the organelles which are present within this domain. For the purposes of this discussion, we will be detailing the intracellular compartment of a eukaryotic cell.

    The intracellular compartment of a cell is where all of the cell’s organelles reside which are essential for maintaining cell functions. This intracellular portion of a cell is where many important mechanisms are carried out, such as vesicle transport and glycolysis, which occur in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains the cytosol, which is the intracellular fluid of this internal compartment. 

    Furthermore, the cytoplasm of the intracellular compartment houses all the organelles which are fundamental to a cell's functioning. These organelles are as follows:

    • The nucleus
    • The mitochondrion
    • The chloroplast (not in animal cells)
    • Peroxisomes
    • The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
    • The golgi apparatus
    • Lysosomes
    • Vacuoles
    • Ribosomes
    • Endosomes

    Additionally, the intracellular compartment of a cell is essential for intracellular sorting. Essentially intracellular sorting is comprised of various processes which are used from moving proteins into and out of specific compartments of a cell. These proteins can either be moved as proteins through pores or can be transported using vesicles. Particular signalling sequences control the movement of intracellular sorting through the use of start sequences and stop sequences. Thus, these mechanisms ensure that proteins are moved to the locations which they are required. 

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