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    Music History

    "If we look at Music History closely, it is not difficult to isolate certain elements of great potency, which were to nourish the art of music for decades if not centuries" - George Crumb

    Music History (or Historical Musicology) is the study of music from a historical viewpoint¹. Through the use of archival work (collection of specific documentation or scoring by a historical composer), biographical studies (collection of information about a composer including cultural information about the time in which a piece was composed),¹ sociological studies (assessment regarding the role of music in society during the time in which it was composed), and semiotic studies (attempts to analyze the meaning of a composition within its historical context) musicologists attempt to understand the music of the past.¹



    1. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Music History. Retrieved May 27, 2014, from http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/music-history/

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