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    Reading for Cues to Audience, Purpose and Significance

    This quiz will help students hone in on their skills for interpreting a piece of writing.


    When researchers address a certain audience of their field using the phrases, “It is generally believed,” or “Established practice recommends…” one can assume:
    A: The researcher believes that the information he or she is presenting is common knowledge
    B: He or she is establishing credibility by drawing on the work of authorities in his or her field
    C: The author is relying too heavily on sources cited in footnotes or endnotes
    D: The researcher most likely created a “literature review” to document and credit sources used to support his or her claims


    Which of these statements is false? Language that addresses two common general purposes of academic research may:


    Which of these statements is true? Cues that signal the significance of a piece of writing can often be found:


    Which method of documentation has the same effectiveness as highlighting cues in a body of writing?


    True or False: A piece of writing without formal citations can be considered both opinion and research based.